Top 5 Blackbaud Competitors and Alternatives for Effective Fundraising and CRM in 2024

Discover Blackbaud competitors for nonprofit CRM solutions. Explore Neon CRM, DonorPerfect, Virtuous, Bloomerang and Salesforce.

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11 Jan 2022
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Top 5 Blackbaud Competitors and Alternatives for Effective Fundraising and CRM in 2024

Top Blackbaud alternatives List

Neon CRM





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Blackbaud overview

Blackbaud is a prominent player in the realm of software solutions aimed at serving the unique needs of non-profit organizations, educational institutions, healthcare organizations, and other entities that focus on making a positive impact in society. Their suite of products is designed to streamline operations, enhance fundraising efforts, and foster stronger relationships with donors and stakeholders. Here, we delve into some of Blackbaud's major product lines, starting with DonorCentrics.


DonorCentrics is part of Blackbaud's comprehensive portfolio, offering advanced analytics and benchmarking tools that empower non-profits to gain deeper insights into their donor base. This solution enables organizations to understand donor behavior, identify trends, and benchmark their performance against similar entities. By leveraging data-driven strategies, non-profits can enhance their engagement tactics, improve donor retention, and ultimately increase their fundraising effectiveness. DonorCentrics is not just about data; it's about translating insights into actionable strategies that drive growth and impact.

Raiser's Edge NXT

Raiser's Edge NXT is another flagship product from Blackbaud, designed as a complete fundraising and donor management solution. It provides non-profits with a cloud-based platform that combines donor management, fundraising, marketing, and data analytics tools in one seamless application. This product is renowned for its user-friendly interface, comprehensive reporting features, and integrated communication tools that help organizations cultivate and maintain donor relationships. Raiser's Edge NXT simplifies complex fundraising tasks, making it easier for non-profits to reach their goals and expand their mission.

Financial Edge NXT

Financial Edge NXT caters to the financial management needs of non-profit organizations. This cloud-based accounting software is tailored for the unique fiscal reporting requirements and challenges faced by non-profits. It offers robust budgeting, accounting, and reporting features that help organizations maintain financial transparency, ensure compliance with accounting standards, and make informed financial decisions. With Financial Edge NXT, non-profits can streamline their financial operations, optimize budget allocation, and demonstrate accountability to donors and stakeholders.

Blackbaud CRM

Blackbaud CRM stands out as a comprehensive solution designed to help large non-profits, foundations, and educational institutions manage their relationships with donors, alumni, and other constituents. This platform integrates fundraising, marketing, sponsorship, and event management capabilities with advanced analytics to provide a 360-degree view of all stakeholder interactions. Blackbaud CRM is customizable and scalable, addressing the complex needs of larger organizations seeking to enhance engagement, drive growth, and achieve their long-term objectives.

Luminate Online

Luminate Online is specifically designed to support non-profits in expanding their online presence and digital fundraising capabilities. This integrated suite of tools enables organizations to create engaging websites, manage email marketing campaigns, organize online events, and process donations. It is particularly effective in helping non-profits to reach a broader audience, engage with supporters in meaningful ways, and drive online donations. Luminate Online's flexibility and comprehensive features make it a critical tool for any non-profit looking to thrive in the digital age.

Each of these product lines from Blackbaud is tailored to meet the diverse needs of the non-profit sector, offering solutions that help organizations streamline their operations, engage with donors, and achieve their fundraising goals more effectively. By leveraging these tools, non-profits can enhance their impact and further their mission in a rapidly evolving landscape.

  • Service Sizes: Small business, Mid-market, Enterprise
  • Unique Capabilities:
  • Comprehensive donor management
  • Integrated financial solutions
  • Advanced analytics and reporting
  • Customizable fundraising campaigns
  • Robust marketing and engagement tools
  • Logical Choice For: Organizations looking for an all-in-one solution to manage every aspect of their nonprofit operations.
  • Pricing: Subscription-based with pricing upon request. Free demo available, but no free version.
Blackbaud DonorCentrics dashboard

Top Blackbaud Alternatives

1. Neon CRM

Neon CRM, a specialized cloud-based platform, excels in non-profit management, offering integrated solutions for supporter management, fundraising, events, and program administration. Its advanced supporter management system enables non-profits to cultivate strong relationships through detailed tracking of donor interactions, enhancing personalized outreach and increasing donor retention. Neon CRM's fundraising tools streamline campaign management, online donations, and financial reporting, supporting various fundraising strategies to boost revenue generation. The platform's event management capabilities simplify organizing diverse events with features like online registration and ticketing, ensuring seamless event execution. Program management tools facilitate efficient service delivery, with participant tracking and outcome measurement to improve program impact. Additionally, Neon CRM's operational features, including financial integration and analytics, empower non-profits with data-driven insights for strategic decision-making and process optimization. As a comprehensive CRM solution, Neon CRM is essential for non-profits aiming to enhance efficiency, strengthen donor relationships, and maximize their impact.

NeonCRM stands out as a notable Blackbaud Donorcentrics competitor, offering comprehensive solutions tailored to the unique needs of nonprofits. Through its array of features including donor tracking, event management, and email marketing, NeonCRM enables organizations to streamline their operations and enhance donor engagement. Its emphasis on leveraging data for nonprofit success allows organizations to make informed decisions and optimize their fundraising efforts.

Neon CRM offers comprehensive solutions across various aspects of non-profit management, including supporter management, events management, fundraising, program management, and operations. Here’s a summary of the solutions provided in each area:

  1. Supporter Management: Neon CRM helps organizations manage their relationships with supporters by providing tools to track donor information, communication histories, and engagement activities. This enables organizations to create personalized outreach strategies and maintain strong connections with their supporters.
  2. Events Management: For event planning and execution, Neon CRM offers features like event registration, ticketing, and attendance tracking. It helps organizations manage different types of events, from small meetings to large fundraisers, facilitating smoother event coordination and enhanced participant experiences.
  3. Fundraising: Neon CRM’s fundraising tools assist organizations in managing donation campaigns, tracking donor contributions, and analyzing fundraising data. The platform supports various fundraising activities, including online giving, peer-to-peer campaigns, and major donor management, helping organizations increase their fundraising efficiency and success.
  4. Program Management: To aid in delivering and managing programs, Neon CRM provides tools for enrollment, scheduling, and tracking participant engagement. These features help organizations efficiently manage their programs and services, ensuring they meet the needs of their communities effectively.
  5. Operations: On the operational side, Neon CRM integrates financial tracking, reporting, and analytics tools, enabling organizations to streamline their administrative tasks and make data-driven decisions. The system’s operational management capabilities help organizations improve their overall efficiency and impact.

Service Sizes: Small business, Mid-market

Unique Capabilities:

  • User-friendly donor and membership management
  • Event planning and management features
  • Integrated website management and fundraising tools
  • Automated email marketing and communication
  • Comprehensive reporting and analytics for data-driven decisions

Logical Choice For: Small to mid-sized nonprofits seeking an affordable and easy-to-use CRM and fundraising solution.

Pricing: Offers a free trial. Pricing starts from $50/month with various tiers depending on features and user access.

Overall, Neon CRM offers a holistic suite of tools designed to help non-profit organizations manage their relationships, events, fundraising activities, programs, and operations more effectively.

2. DonorPerfect

DonorPerfect is a comprehensive fundraising software solution designed for non-profit organizations of all sizes. It streamlines donor management and fundraising efforts, enabling organizations to cultivate donor relationships, manage donations, and analyze fundraising activities effectively. DonorPerfect's suite of tools supports a range of fundraising initiatives, from event planning to payment processing and multichannel outreach.

  • Fundraising Events: DonorPerfect simplifies event management, allowing organizations to plan, execute, and track fundraising events seamlessly, enhancing attendee engagement and revenue generation.
  • Payment Processing: The platform offers secure and efficient payment processing capabilities, facilitating smooth transactions for donations, event registrations, and other financial activities.
  • Multichannel Donor Outreach: With DonorPerfect, non-profits can engage donors across multiple channels, including email, social media, and direct mail, ensuring consistent and personalized communication.
  • Reporting and Analytics: The software provides robust reporting and analytics tools, offering insights into fundraising trends, donor behavior, and campaign performance, aiding in strategic decision-making.
  • Donation Forms: Customizable online donation forms integrated with DonorPerfect enable organizations to collect donations effectively, providing donors with a user-friendly experience and supporting various giving campaigns.

DonorPerfect's integrated approach to fundraising and donor management makes it a versatile and powerful tool for non-profits looking to optimize their fundraising efforts and enhance donor engagement.

Service Sizes: Small business, Mid-market

Unique Capabilities:

  • Extensive donor management and engagement tools
  • Customizable fundraising and donation forms
  • Integrated payment processing and financial tracking
  • Robust reporting and analytics capabilities
  • Flexible third-party integrations and mobile app

Logical Choice For: Nonprofits focused on donor retention and maximizing fundraising efforts through detailed analytics and customization.

Pricing: Offers a free trial. Pricing tiers start at $99/month, scaled by functionality and number of record.

DonorPerfect's integrated approach to fundraising and donor management makes it a versatile and powerful tool for non-profits looking to optimize their fundraising efforts and enhance donor engagement.

3. Bloomerang

Bloomerang is a leading cloud-based donor management and fundraising platform specifically designed for non-profits. It revolutionizes the way organizations engage with donors and manage fundraising activities. With its user-friendly interface, Bloomerang helps non-profits to increase donor retention and maximize revenue through advanced tracking of interactions and donations. The platform offers robust features like customizable donor databases, real-time reporting, and integrated communication tools, enabling personalized donor outreach and effective campaign management. Bloomerang’s analytics and reporting capabilities provide valuable insights into donor behavior, enhancing strategic decision-making. Its automated engagement tools streamline the fundraising process, from initial contact to donation and beyond, ensuring a seamless donor experience. Ideal for small to medium-sized non-profits, Bloomerang strengthens donor relationships and drives fundraising success, making it a crucial tool for non-profit growth and sustainability. With its emphasis on donor retention and engagement, Bloomerang stands out as a comprehensive solution in the non-profit sector.

In the realm of nonprofit management and fundraising, Blackbaud DonorCentrics faces strong competition from Bloomerang, which specializes in providing nonprofits with robust and intuitive donor management software and personalized communication features, Bloomerang empowers organizations to implement effective fundraising strategies while prioritizing donor satisfaction and engagement.

Solutions offered:

  1. Donor Database: Bloomerang's CRM is tailored for non-profits, offering a centralized system to manage donor information effectively. This tool enhances relationship building and donor engagement, ensuring that non-profits can easily access and utilize critical donor data to support their missions.
  2. Marketing & Engagement: This solution empowers non-profits to expand their donor base through targeted marketing and engagement strategies. Bloomerang provides tools to craft personalized communication, helping organizations to connect with potential donors and cultivate lasting relationships.
  3. Online Giving: Bloomerang facilitates convenient donation processes with its online giving platform, allowing donors to contribute from anywhere at any time. This feature enhances the donor experience and supports non-profits in increasing their fundraising reach and efficiency.
  4. Reporting & Analytics: With Bloomerang, non-profits can generate precise and comprehensive reports effortlessly. This functionality aids in monitoring fundraising activities, analyzing donor trends, and making informed decisions based on data-driven insights.
  5. Volunteer Management: Bloomerang offers a solution to create and manage inspiring volunteer experiences. This tool helps non-profits to organize volunteer activities, track participation, and engage volunteers effectively, enriching the volunteer journey and fostering community involvement.
  6. Bloomerang Payments: This feature streamlines the payment processing aspect of fundraising, providing a secure and efficient way for non-profits to handle transactions and financial contributions, facilitating smoother financial operations.
  7. Mobile App: Bloomerang's mobile app enables non-profit professionals to manage their tasks and donor interactions on the go, offering flexibility and enhancing productivity by providing essential CRM features accessible from anywhere.
  8. Data Management: This solution focuses on the accurate gathering and updating of donor information, ensuring that non-profits maintain up-to-date insights into their donor base, which is crucial for effective fundraising and engagement strategies.
  • Service Sizes: Small business, Mid-market

4. Virtuous

Virtuous CRM is an innovative, cloud-based platform designed for non-profit organizations, focusing on enhancing donor relationships and driving growth through personalized engagement. It offers a suite of tools tailored to meet the unique needs of non-profits, enabling them to manage fundraising events, process payments efficiently, engage donors across multiple channels, analyze performance, and create customizable donation forms.

  • Description: Virtuous is a responsive fundraising platform designed to help nonprofits increase donations through data-driven strategies and personal engagement.
  • Service Sizes: Small business, Mid-market
  • Unique Capabilities:
  • Personalized donor engagement tools
  • Automation workflows for efficient fundraising operations
  • Advanced donor data analytics and insights
  • Integrated marketing and communication tools
  • Scalable and customizable solution for growing nonprofits
  • Logical Choice For: Growing nonprofits aiming for a personalized approach to donor relationships and engagement.
  • Pricing: Custom pricing based on organization needs. Offers a demo, with no explicit free trial or version mentioned.

5. Salesforce offers a robust suite of solutions for the non-profit industry through its Nonprofit Cloud, empowering organizations to manage their operations, fundraising, and constituent relationships more effectively. At its core, Salesforce's platform enables non-profits to track and manage donor information, engagement history, and donation activities, facilitating personalized outreach and increased donor retention. Its comprehensive CRM capabilities allow for detailed analytics and reporting, providing insights into donor behavior and campaign performance, aiding in strategic decision-making.

Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud also excels in event management, volunteer coordination, and grant tracking, ensuring that non-profits can streamline their activities and focus on their mission-critical work. With its scalable architecture, Salesforce can accommodate the needs of small local organizations as well as large international non-profits, offering customizable solutions that include multichannel marketing, fundraising tools, and community engagement platforms. This makes Salesforce a versatile and powerful tool in the non-profit sector, helping organizations to maximize their impact and achieve their goals efficiently.

  • Description: Salesforce provides a highly customizable platform for CRM, marketing automation, and analytics, with a specific Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) designed for nonprofit needs.
  • Service Sizes: Mid-market, Enterprise
  • Unique Capabilities:
  • Customizable CRM tailored to nonprofit processes
  • Comprehensive donor and volunteer management
  • Scalable marketing and engagement tools
  • Extensive analytics and reporting features
  • Robust ecosystem with numerous integrations
  • Logical Choice For: Larger nonprofits and enterprises requiring a scalable, customizable solution for complex CRM and fundraising needs.
  • Pricing: Offers a free version of NPSP. Paid plans for additional Salesforce products and functionalities vary.

Blackbaud Alternatives Features Comparison

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Innovative cloud software powering social good organizations worldwide.

Salesforce empowers companies to connect with customers through cloud-based CRM.

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Our mission is to move the needle on global generosity by helping nonprofits better connect with and inspire their supporters.

Empowering non-profits with fundraising growth through robust donor management software.

Neon CRM boosts nonprofit success with intuitive fundraising and membership tools.

Enhance fundraising with donor management and engagement tools for nonprofits.

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