My AskAI

About Us video

Video Summary

1. Title: "An AI customer support assistant for SaaS growth" 2. The transcript consists of musical notations and does not provide any meaningful information about the AI customer support assistant. 3. The title suggests the AI assistant is designed to support Software as a Service (SaaS) businesses. 4. The use of music notations in the transcript may imply a creative or engaging aspect to the AI customer support experience. 5. The primary focus is on leveraging AI for customer support in the context of SaaS, but the specific features or benefits are not detailed in the provided information.

My AskAI

Product Walkthrough

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My AskAI
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My AskAI

My AskAI

Demo video

Video Summary

1. **Introduction to Building Your Own AskAI:** - The speaker, Alex, introduces the concept of building a custom ChatGPT (AskAI) that can access and provide fast, accurate answers using your own content. 2. **Focus on HubSpot Blog Assistant:** - The tutorial centers around creating a HubSpot blog assistant, configuring it in a conversational mode, and uploading the entire HubSpot marketing blog site comprising over 250 web pages. 3. **Integration with HubSpot Marketing Site:** - Alex demonstrates the process of integrating the newly created AskAI onto the HubSpot marketing site by adding a simple code snippet, enabling users or customers to interact with the content in a novel way. 4. **Utilizing ChatGPT Technology:** - The AskAI leverages ChatGPT technology to answer specific questions, especially those that may require information from multiple blog posts. It acts as a tool for users to find new content, providing rich answers and linking out to relevant blog pages. 5. **Enhancing User Experience:** - The ultimate goal is to enhance the user experience by allowing them to ask specific questions related to the content, facilitating easy navigation through the blog site, and providing valuable insights, such as improving page authority, while encouraging users to explore additional related content.

My AskAI


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My AskAI


This is some Third party tool controlled by
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My AskAI

Video Summary

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Video Summary

Video Summary

Video Summary

Technology category
Business Department
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