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Video Summary's Bulk Email Finder tool allows users to find and download email addresses using a list of company names or domains and professional names, which can be uploaded as a CSV or text file. The file should include a column for first and last names (either separately or combined) and a column for the company name or domain, with a preference for using domains for better accuracy. Hunter offers options to include sources in the results for transparency about where email addresses were found online and to skip rows that already contain email addresses in the uploaded file. After uploading and matching column fields correctly, Hunter processes the file, verifying email addresses and providing an overview of the results, including the number of valid emails, and categorizing them by status (valid, accept all, unknown, not found). Users can download the list of emails with options for valid only or the full list, showing the cost in search credits for each option. Additionally, there's an import feature to save the results directly into Hunter leads, and further support and documentation are available through Hunter's help center.

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Demo video

Video Summary's domain search feature allows users to find email addresses by entering a company name or website, demonstrating its functionality with the website as an example. Results can be filtered by type (personal or generic), department, and the presence of additional information such as phone numbers, positions, or full names, enhancing the search specificity. Users have the option to export the search results into a CSV file for convenience and further analysis or use. The search results page provides detailed information about the company, including a description, website and social links, the most common email pattern used, industry details, and the technologies used on the domain. Each email address in the results comes with a verified badge if it has been verified, alongside options to verify unverified emails, save leads into Hunter leads, view the source of the email, and additional details like position and social links.


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Business Department
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