Revenue Grid

About Us video

Video Summary

1. **Company and Funding:** Revenue Grid has successfully raised $20 million in a Series A funding round. 2. **Objective:** The funds raised are intended to support Revenue Grid's mission to revolutionize Revenue Intelligence. 3. **Innovation Focus:** The company is likely pursuing innovative approaches in the realm of Revenue Intelligence, aiming to bring transformative changes to the industry. 4. **YouTube Announcement:** The news and details about the funding round were announced on YouTube, showcasing the company's use of multimedia platforms for communication. 5. **Series A Significance:** The successful Series A funding indicates investor confidence in Revenue Grid's potential and may pave the way for further growth and development.

Revenue Grid

Product Walkthrough

Third party tool controlled by
Revenue Grid
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Revenue Grid

Revenue Grid

Demo video

Video Summary

Revenue Grid


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Revenue Grid
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Revenue Grid

Revenue Grid


This is some Third party tool controlled by
Revenue Grid
By using this section you acknowledge that AppGriffin may share any data you enter here with the
Revenue Grid

Video Summary

Video Summary

Video Summary

Video Summary

Video Summary

Video Summary

Technology category
Business Department
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