
About Us video

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User-Friendly and Efficient: Pipedrive enhances sales efficiency by offering better, more engaged leads and a user-friendly interface that is flexible and focused, ideal for all levels of sales experience. Customizable Sales Pipelines: The platform allows for simple starts or customizable pipelines, enabling users to visualize and manage their sales process regardless of the complexity or number of steps involved. Automated Tracking and Workflow: Pipedrive automatically tracks all calls and emails, providing a transparent view of sales history and future prospects. It also offers workflow automation to handle repetitive tasks, freeing up time for more strategic activities. Insightful Business Tools: The software assists in gathering business insights and measuring performance against set goals, streamlining the sales process and enhancing overall business operations. Support and Community Engagement: With award-winning customer support, educational resources, and a community of salespeople and marketers, Pipedrive fosters a supportive environment for learning and growth, underpinned by its development by experienced sales professionals.


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Video Summary

Pipeline and Deal Management: Pipedrive is organized into pipelines representing different business areas, with deals progressing through stages. A deal represents a potential sale or service to a customer and is highly adaptable to various industries and segments. Communication and Tracking Tools: Within each deal, users can manage communications such as phone calls and emails directly from Pipedrive. It offers features like call logging, email templates, and tracking email opens or link clicks without read receipts. Users can also schedule meetings directly through the system. Document and Data Management: The platform allows for the central storage of relevant documents like contracts and NDAs, ensuring a single source of truth. Pipedrive supports extensive customization in terms of access permissions and visibility, catering to different team and management levels. Integration and Automation Features: Pipedrive integrates with third-party applications and services like Google Docs and mainstream invoicing tools. It offers automation for various tasks and follow-ups, and has a 'smart contact data' feature to enrich contact details from the web. Reporting and Insights: The CRM provides detailed reporting tools to track deal progress, identify trends, and manage recurring revenue models. It includes features for campaign management, email tracking, and performance dashboards, along with a marketplace for additional integrations and applications.



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"Our net income has grown 298%" - Lisa Coyle | Pipedrive CRM

Lisa Coyle returns to talk about why 360 payments upgraded from Pipedrive Advanced to Pipedrive Professional. With a net income growth of 298%, Lisa Coyle's sales team was able to "do more with less" and the return is impressive to say the least.