Bright Pattern

About Us video

Video Summary

- BrightPattern is an AI-powered contact center used by innovative companies worldwide, offering seamless conversations across traditional and emerging channels such as voice, chat, bots, and video chat. - The platform uses AI for omni-channel quality management, allowing companies to monitor all interactions, score and coach agents on every channel to improve customer experience. - BrightPattern is also suitable for companies seeking remote agents due to its high ROI and quick deployment time, as demonstrated by customer reviews and industry ratings. - The platform is used by various businesses from startups to global telcos, healthcare providers, and leading BPOs, with notable clients including seven of the world's largest automobile manufacturers.

Bright Pattern

Product Walkthrough

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Bright Pattern

Demo video

Video Summary

- Brighter Days Insurance is enhancing customer experience and expanding its clientele using digital communication channels and remote agent deployment. - Their AI-powered system authenticates customers, routes them to appropriate agents, and provides the agent with a complete journey history of the customer, enabling efficient customer service. - The company uses Bright Pattern's OmniQM to review agent interactions, detect poor sentiment, ensure compliance, and monitor CSAT scores. - In case of emergencies, Brighter Days can activate all employees as agents and uses skill-based routing to handle inquiries, ensuring uninterrupted customer service.

Bright Pattern


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Business Department
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