Videos and Profile

Amplitude's unified platform offers easy access to rich marketing and product insights to everyone in your organization as a service.


About Us video

Video Summary

- Amplitude is a leading digital analytics platform with a mission to help companies build better products through data. - They aim to revolutionize the traditional product development process by providing a unified system that allows teams to understand how digital products impact their business. - Amplitude emphasizes the importance of becoming a data-driven business, stating that product data is the next untapped growth level that can transform how businesses build and optimize digital products. - The challenges in managing product data include complexity (intricate digital products), non-linearity (unique user journeys), and scale (billions of potential events measured for each product). - Amplitude's digital optimization system enables real-time data democracy at scale, serving as a command center for various teams to leverage self-service analytics, adapt products based on user behavior, and experiment to create impactful product experiences. Examples of companies benefiting from Amplitude include an online food delivery leader, a meditation app, a multinational software company, and one of the world's largest automakers.


Product Walkthrough

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Demo video

Video Summary

Amplifi's Digital Transformation: Amplifi, a major international fitness chain, transitioned towards a digital-first approach in response to the pandemic by offering online classes and a new virtual subscription service, aiming to increase subscription revenue as a core business strategy. Using Amplitude for Insights: Through the Amplitude platform, the product leader identifies key metrics like digital revenue, trial performance, and user retention. Initial findings reveal that while most revenue still comes from one-off class purchases, subscription services show promise due to higher lifetime value and increasing subscriber numbers. Identifying and Addressing Drop-offs: Detailed data analysis within Amplitude highlights issues affecting trial-to-subscription conversions, such as authentication problems and payment information re-entry, leading to targeted improvements. Personalization and Experimentation: By leveraging Amplitude's capabilities, Amplifi introduces personalized class recommendations and tests new features like a fitness goal tracker to increase class attendance and subscription retention, showing significant improvements. Overall Impact and Future Steps: The demo concludes with Amplifi witnessing substantial growth in subscription numbers and engagement, attributed to the new class recommendations and fitness tracker. This underscores the effectiveness of Amplitude in driving data-driven decisions, personalization, and ultimately, business growth.



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Aha moment with Dropbox and Amplitude

Youcef Es-SKouri, from Dropbox, discusses how Amplitude changed their customer approach.