Top 15 MailChimp basics: MailChimp for Beginners Guide

If you are new to MailChimp, here is a beginners guide to some of the most common tasks you might need help with.

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11 Jan 2022
5 min read
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Top 15 MailChimp basics: MailChimp for Beginners Guide

MailChimp for Beginners Guide


MailChimp is a versatile email marketing tool ideal for managing subscribers, sending emails, and tracking the performance of your campaigns. This guide provides easy-to-follow instructions for beginners on essential tasks in MailChimp.

1. Setup

  1. Create an Account: Visit the MailChimp website and sign up by providing your email, username, and password.
  2. Verify Email: Check your inbox for a verification link from MailChimp and click it.
  3. Complete Your Profile: After logging in, fill in details like your website and physical address.

2. MailChimp Segments vs Tags

  • Segments: Groups of subscribers categorized based on shared criteria.
  • Tags: Custom labels for subscribers.
  • Creating a Segment: In “Audience,” select “Manage Audience” > “Segments,” then “Create Segment.”
  • Creating a Tag: In “Audience,” click on a subscriber, then “Add or remove tags.”

3. Export Contacts from MailChimp

  1. Go to “Audience,” select your audience, and click “Export Audience.”
  2. MailChimp will email a CSV file to you.

4. Export Audience from MailChimp

  1. In “Audience,” click “View Contacts.”
  2. Choose “Export Audience” from the menu.
  3. MailChimp will send the exported file to your email.

5. Delete a Campaign in MailChimp

  1. Navigate to “Campaigns.”
  2. Find the campaign, click the dropdown next to “View Report,” and select “Delete.”

6. Archive Contacts in MailChimp

  1. Select contacts in “Audience.”
  2. Click “Actions” > “Archive.”

7. Resend to Non-Openers

  1. In “Campaigns,” select a sent campaign and click “View Report.”
  2. Choose “Create a Segment” with the condition “Campaign Activity” as “did not open.”
  3. Save and resend the campaign to this segment.

8. MailChimp Groups vs Segments

  • Groups: Interest categories chosen by subscribers.
  • Creating a Group: In “Audience,” select “Manage Audience” > “Groups” > “Create Groups.”

9. Wrap Text in MailChimp

  • Use the text editor in the campaign builder to adjust text wrapping.

10. Anchor Links in MailChimp

  • Create anchors in the text editor by highlighting text, clicking “Link,” and selecting “Anchor.”

11. Send a Test Email in MailChimp

  1. In the campaign builder, choose “Preview and Test” > “Send a Test Email.”
  2. Enter the test email addresses and send.

12. Change MailChimp Password

  1. Click your profile, then “Account.”
  2. Under “Settings,” select “Password.”
  3. Update your password.

13. Merge Lists in MailChimp

  • Note: MailChimp now uses a single-audience structure. Check MailChimp’s latest guidelines for current practices.

14. Add Fonts in MailChimp

  1. Custom Fonts: MailChimp supports a range of web-safe and Google Fonts natively. For custom fonts, you’ll need to use custom HTML coding.
  2. Using Google Fonts: In the campaign builder, select the text block, then choose “Style” and select your desired Google Font.

15. Use MailChimp with Gmail

  1. Integrating via Add-Ons: Use a third-party add-on or integration tool that connects MailChimp to your Gmail account. These tools can be found in the MailChimp integrations directory or through a third-party provider.
  2. Manual Method: Export your MailChimp campaign as HTML and paste it into the Gmail compose window. However, this may require adjustments to the layout and formatting.


This guide offers a starting point for using MailChimp effectively. For more complex tasks or updated features, refer to the official MailChimp resources and help guides. Experimentation is key in email marketing, so feel free to explore and test various features to understand what resonates best with your audience.

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