Sparrow Charts
Videos and Profile

Creating client marketing reports for your stakeholders can be a real time-suck. We created a tool to fix that.

Sparrow Charts

About Us video

Video Summary

Digital marketers often spend substantial time creating marketing performance reports for clients, which are essential for client satisfaction. Compiling and organizing marketing data into presentations is time-consuming, especially as the number of clients increases. Sparrow offers a solution by automating the creation of presentations and spreadsheets from marketing data. The process with Sparrow is simple: connect marketing accounts, select a design template, fill in a few fields, and the report is ready. Sparrow is positioned as a significant time-saver for digital marketers, with a call to action to try it for free.

Sparrow Charts

Product Walkthrough

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Sparrow Charts

Demo video

Video Summary

Sparrow's reporting solution streamlines the process of sharing campaign results with clients for marketers. It allows them to automatically input marketing data into customized PowerPoint templates, create engaging web presentations, and conveniently track client marketing performance, saving significant time and effort.

Sparrow Charts


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Video Summary

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Video Summary

Technology category
Business Department
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