
About Us video

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International Expansion: The text suggests a focus on growing an international team, possibly through leveraging a platform or service named "Remote." Diverse Legal Considerations: Mention of legal entities and the need for compliance with various international laws and regulations indicates the importance of legal considerations in expanding internationally. Performance Improvement: There's an emphasis on improving performance, potentially referring to the efficiency and effectiveness of international teams. Cultural and Local Nuances: The reference to specific locations like Kuala Lumpur and Palestine may suggest the importance of understanding cultural and local nuances when managing an international team. Technological Support: The use of terms like "decal" and "overwatch" could imply the role of technology and tools in facilitating international team management and communication.


Product Walkthrough

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Remote's split payments feature allows employees to distribute their salaries among multiple bank accounts and a Coinbase account, providing them full control over their payment methods. Users can add, edit, or delete bank accounts as deposit methods, with the new "Deposit Methods" tab in the Remote interface facilitating management and viewing of all added accounts. The ability to set up split payments enables users to specify the percentage of salary each account receives, which can be adjusted through the payments interface. Adding a Coinbase account as a deposit method is supported, allowing for direct cryptocurrency payments after setting up account details and choosing the preferred cryptocurrency without incurring trading fees. Remote emphasizes the continuous improvement and expansion of platform features to enhance user flexibility and experience, indicating ongoing development efforts.



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Business Department
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