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Deel helps thousands of companies expand globally with unmatched speed and flexibility. It's global hiring, HR and payroll in just one system.
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About Us video

Video Summary

Comprehensive HR Platform: Deel is a global HR platform designed to handle international hiring, payroll, and HR tasks within one powerful platform, reducing the need for multiple tools. Global Hiring Capabilities: It enables hiring contractors and employees worldwide, even without a local entity, offering localized contracts, visa support, and competitive salary insights. Automated Compliance and Onboarding: Deel automates compliance document collection, background checks, equipment setup, work passes, and provides easy app access for a fast and efficient onboarding process. Centralized Worker Lifecycle Management: The platform manages the entire worker lifecycle, including time off, promotions, and bonuses, through a central HR system that integrates with other tools for synced data and workflows. Payroll and Productivity Insights: Offers a unified view of team headcount, payroll, and productivity, handling payroll consolidation, contractor invoicing, employee taxes, benefits, and pay slips, making it a one-stop solution for global team management.


Product Walkthrough

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Demo video

Video Summary

Mass Approval Feature: Manage approvals for various items like salaries, bonuses for contractors and employees using the mass approval feature. Setup Process: Access this feature in team settings, where you can select items for approval by toggling the 'approve items' card, with options for 'additional items only' or 'all items'. Approval Criteria: Choose between approving only variable monthly items (bonuses, overtime etc) or all items including recurring fixed-rate salaries. Approvers Selection: Default approvers are team admins, but approval powers can be extended to managers, with the option to assign multiple managers per team/item. Approval Process and Notifications: All selected approvers must approve an item for it to be included in payroll; email notifications are sent for submission, approval, or denial of items, and autopay requires some level of approval setup.



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Learn more about how Nium scales their team worldwide through Deel

Working with Deel has helped Nium tap into the best fintech talent worldwide while remaining compliant in highly regulated financial services industry.