Referral Factory

About Us video

Video Summary

Referral Factory helps businesses establish referral programs quickly without needing a developer. Customize every aspect of your referral program using their drag-and-drop Builder. Gain access to a wide range of pre-built referral program templates, fraud alerts, translation options, and expert support. Easily integrate your referral program with existing business tools through various integrations. Utilize advanced tracking tools to monitor referrals and reward customers effectively.

Referral Factory

Product Walkthrough

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Referral Factory

Demo video

Video Summary

Referral Factory simplifies the process of building and managing referral programs, allowing businesses to ask for referrals, track them, and automatically issue rewards. The software offers deep integrations with most CRMs, making it seamless to connect and utilize referral data. Users can design and customize referral campaign pages, including join pages for referrers and personalized introduction pages for referrals. The platform's drag-and-drop campaign builder enables easy customization of campaign pages, with options to add share buttons and pre-populate share messages. Referral Factory provides advanced tracking tools to monitor referral activity, including views, sign-ups, and successful referrals, and offers options for manual or automated qualification of referrals.

Referral Factory


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Referral Factory


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Referral Factory

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Technology category
Business Department
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