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Email marketing is crucial for ecommerce, but its ROI has been decreasing due to customers evolving into omnichannel shoppers who desire personalized and relevant messages. Traditional email marketing alone no longer suffices for the level of personalization that today's shoppers expect. Omnisend addresses this challenge by enabling marketers to send the right message at the right time through the optimal channel, integrating email, SMS, push notifications, and more within the same automation workflow. The platform offers pre-designed templates for ecommerce-specific workflows (e.g., welcome series, cart abandonment, order confirmation) and allows for advanced segmentation based on shopping behavior, campaign engagement, and profile data for precise targeting. Omnisend's features, including advanced automation, smart segmentation, and targeted workflows, aim to enhance omnichannel marketing efforts and boost ROI, with a free trial available for businesses to experience its benefits firsthand.


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Comprehensive Platform for E-commerce Marketing: Omnisend is an email and text message marketing platform specifically designed for e-commerce, serving over 75,000 online stores. It offers seamless integration with e-commerce platforms, featuring pre-built email templates, high-performance automation workflows, and customer segmentation based on store data, making it highly rated for ease of use. Dashboard and Analytics for Performance Monitoring: Upon logging into Omnisend, users are greeted with a sales performance dashboard that provides a comprehensive overview of their marketing performance, including revenue generated through Omnisend, audience growth, and actionable insights for email marketing enhancement. It is fully synced with the user's e-commerce platform for accurate reporting. Email Campaign Creation and Optimization: Users can create and send various types of campaigns (email, SMS, browser push) and even A/B test their emails. Omnisend offers a unique feature called "campaign booster" to resend emails to non-openers automatically, customizable templates for quick setup, and a drag-and-drop email builder with options for product recommendations and unique discount codes for each recipient. Automated Workflows and Segmentation for Enhanced Engagement: Omnisend provides pre-built automation workflows for the entire customer journey, from welcome messages to reactivation campaigns, aiming to automate around 30% of email revenue. The platform's segment builder allows for intricate customer segmentation based on engagement, purchasing behavior, and more, leading to better targeted and effective marketing efforts. Multichannel Expansion and User Support: The platform encourages expansion beyond email to include SMS marketing and push notifications, offering tools like a form builder for subscriber growth and pre-built templates for various marketing needs. Omnisend promises powerful analytics for campaign optimization and provides award-winning 24/7 live chat and email support to ensure users can maximize their marketing impact with ease.



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