Videos and Profile

Escape the black hole of B2B marketing with real buyer-level intent data and 1st party lead generation..
Software Technology


About Us video

Video Summary

- NetLine introduces a B2B Lead Gen Marketplace, addressing an existing error in B2B legion strategies. - Traditional B2B marketers typically bid for every digital media buy, lacking an open marketplace for B2B legion. - The problem lies in vendors charging the same rate for the same target audience, regardless of individual buyer's journey, sales process, product, budget, or needs. - NetLine's solution is the first and only open bidding marketplace for B2B lead generation, allowing buyers to tailor purchases based on their terms. - The marketplace empowers users to control targets, filters, costs, and ultimately, success, aiming to democratize the B2B lead generation process.


Product Walkthrough

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Demo video

Video Summary

1. **Introduction to NetLine Lead Management Platform:** - Dave Portino, Chief Strategy Officer at NetLine, provides a guided product tour of the Lead Management Platform. - The platform serves as a centralized interface for launching content-centric lead gen campaigns to both the user's audience and NetLine's audience. 2. **Predictive Forms for Efficient Conversions:** - NetLine's predictive forms leverage a database of 52 million leads, allowing real-time lookups for users registering on corporate websites. - Predictive forms pre-fill information, reducing typing, increasing conversions, and minimizing form abandonment rates. - The platform dynamically predicts and enriches user data based on the domain, offering an efficient content access experience. 3. **All-in-One Solution and Platform Tiers:** - The Lead Management Platform is an all-in-one solution for managing content-centric lead gen initiatives. - Three platform tiers (Free, Standard, Pro) cater to different needs, offering varying features, volume thresholds, and customization capabilities. 4. **Key Features and Functionality:** - Features include pre-fill capabilities, lead enrichment, auto confirmation emails, no-code integration with downstream systems, and real-time integrations. - The platform supports on-demand scaling for campaigns, allowing users to control filters and reach specific audiences efficiently. - Customization options extend to look and feel, integrations, and security compliance across all platform tiers. 5. **Support and Metrics:** - Support levels vary across platform tiers, with Pro offering human contacts, on-demand onboarding, training, and content strategy sessions. - Monthly metrics highlight NetLine's processing of over 700,000 gated asset leads and positive reviews. - The platform aims to simplify marketing efforts, making campaigns more efficient and user-friendly.



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