
About Us video

Video Summary

- Lavender is an AI Cold Email Assistant designed to improve the effectiveness of sales emails. - Traditional sales emails often suffer from issues such as being too long, generic, and filled with clichés and buzzwords, resulting in low engagement. - Lavender addresses these problems by utilizing AI and data from millions of sales emails to provide recommendations for enhancing email length, tone, formality, complexity, and subject lines. - The personalization assistant within Lavender helps users make their emails less generic by quickly finding relevant information about recipients to include in emails. - Lavender also offers email tracking capabilities in a dashboard, allowing users to monitor opens and replies, track progress, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately increase reply rates, with users on average doubling their reply rate.


Product Walkthrough

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Demo video

Video Summary

1. Lavender is introduced as the "most helpful email assistant on the planet" with the goal of assisting users in writing thoughtful, confident, and effective emails quickly. 2. The email assistant employs AI-driven tools, including an email score predicting positive replies, a tone check to prevent misunderstandings, and a spam stopper to ensure emails reach the inbox. 3. Lavender provides real-time feedback, helping users craft clear, concise, and considerate emails. The AI assistant, Katie, suggests impactful sentences, and a mobile preview allows users to edit emails on the go. 4. The platform offers features such as automatic email verification, making it faster to personalize emails and build rapport. Users can also gain insights into recipients and their companies without leaving the inbox. 5. Lavender includes additional functionalities like adding gifts to emails, analyzing the emotional impact of gifts, tracking email opens with details on devices and local time, and offering suggestions on how to respond based on recipient communication style. The overall aim is to increase email opens, replies, deal closures, and enhance relationships in the inbox.



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