
About Us video

Video Summary

Findify offers a sophisticated search, merchandising, and personalization solution for online stores, enhancing customer satisfaction and conversion rates by enabling shoppers to quickly find their desired products. The platform provides enterprise-level search and merchandising capabilities that are easy to implement, allowing clients to experience more relevant search results, higher conversion rates, and greater control over the shopping experience. Key features include real-time product data updates, personalized product ranking, visual merchandising, and a customizable front-end experience, all aimed at improving user experience (UX) and boosting sales. Additional benefits of using Findify include content search capabilities, personalized product recommendations, and smart collections, further enhancing UX and conversion rates. Despite its advanced features, Findify is designed to be incredibly user-friendly for merchants, promising an easy integration process and the potential to join thousands of stores already experiencing sales growth with Findify solutions.


Product Walkthrough

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Demo video

Video Summary

Findify's Grid Control allows merchants to customize their product grid by adjusting product card sizes, enabling the highlight of strategically important items through larger card displays. Merchants can break the traditional uniform product card size pattern by using Grid Control to create a dynamic, customized shopping experience with varied card sizes. The feature offers flexibility with options to leave some collections with uniform card sizes, apply one of two pre-built alternating size patterns, or set custom positions for product cards in a collection. Grid Control introduces an advanced option for merchants to have full freedom in customizing the appearance of each collection by specifying the exact location of large product cards, aiming to inspire further pattern development. The capability is platform-agnostic, can be integrated with any platform, and is expected to evolve based on merchant feedback. It is also extended to promo cards, enhancing versatility in non-product message displays.



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