
About Us video

Video Summary

Algolia NeuralSearch aims to address customer frustration with traditional search engines that fail to grasp the searcher's intent, relying on time-consuming fixes such as rules, synonyms, and keyword stuffing. It introduces a new paradigm in search technology for the AI era, with the capability to understand the searcher's intent through keywords, concepts, and natural language queries, mimicking human-like understanding. NeuralSearch leverages advanced neural hashing technology along with comprehensive AI processing to interpret and respond to queries. It promises to deliver exceptional results quickly and at scale, supporting a broad range of search queries and ensuring users find what they're looking for with ease. Algolia NeuralSearch positions itself as the world's most advanced search solution, inviting users to experience its cutting-edge capabilities for enhancing search accuracy and efficiency.


Product Walkthrough

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Demo video

Video Summary

Elias, a Solutions Architect at Algolia, presents a detailed demonstration of Algolia's AI search capabilities, showcasing autocomplete, federated search, and real-time, typo-tolerant search results for a demo store. The demo highlights Algolia's ability to provide detailed search result views, displaying product attributes and values, and explains the use of custom ranking metrics, like popularity, to order search results. Configuration settings within Algolia, such as searchable attributes and ranking/sorting criteria, are explored to show how they influence search result relevance and order, emphasizing the importance of attribute positioning and textual ranking criteria. New features like the Merchandising Studio for enhanced merchandiser experiences, personalization tools, dynamic re-ranking based on user activity, query categorization for improved relevancy, and neural search for handling complex queries are introduced. The neural search feature is particularly emphasized for its ability to understand and process natural language queries, like searching for a laptop suitable for playing League of Legends, demonstrating Algolia's advanced AI search capabilities in providing relevant results without explicit keyword matches.



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