Videos and Profile

Identify target accounts, reveal buying intent, connect with decision makers.
Software Technology


About Us video

Video Summary

1. **Clearbit Enrichment in Salesforce:** - Native integration with no development work required. - Used by hundreds of customers, saving sales reps nine hours weekly. - Processes emails or domains to perform live web crawls from 200 sources. 2. **Comprehensive Data for Sales Teams:** - Provides detailed prospect information, including name, title, phone number, company size, funding, and technology used. - Addresses the common challenge of obtaining clean and comprehensive data for leads. 3. **Efficiency and Impact on Sales:** - Enables sales reps to focus on selling by automating data gathering. - Impactful for companies of all sizes, improving lead quality and saving time. 4. **Clearbit in Action:** - Demonstrated with an example of a one-field form submission on the Clearbit website. - Highlights instant enrichment of data, including personal and company details. 5. **Integration with Salesforce and Ongoing Support:** - Enriched data is natively stored in Salesforce, allowing for easy field population and cleaning. - Clearbit refreshes enriched data every 30 days, ensuring it stays current. - Offers a lite version for a free test drive, with a dedicated success team for support and optimization tips.


Product Walkthrough

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Demo video

Video Summary

- **Clearbit's Weekly Visitor Report Tool**: Introduces a new tool that identifies website visitors, even if they don't fill out a form. - **Comprehensive Reports**: Sends a weekly report summarizing the most engaged companies and the channels they came from. - **Easy Installation**: Free and easy to install by connecting your email address and installing a script on your website. - **Actionable Data**: The report includes actionable data such as identifying the most frequent visiting companies, pages they visited, and allows tracking traffic by different channels (organic, social, paid). - **Empowering Marketing and Sales**: Provides rich firmographic data to empower marketing and sales teams to impact pipeline and revenue, offering insights into visitor intent and improving user experience by understanding valuable pages and channels.



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