
Product Walkthrough

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Video Summary

- **Audiense Insights Overview:** - Audiense Insights is introduced as a tool that reveals hidden details about the audience, demonstrated using Channel 4, a UK TV channel, as an example. - The platform presents audience segments based on explicit interests or inferred from conversations, relationships, and engagements. - Affinities and key characteristics of the overall audience are displayed, followed by detailed insights into individual segments. - **Segment Exploration:** - Each segment can be explored across five dimensions: who they are, how they engage with the world, online habits, interests, and what drives them. - The example focuses on the "film buffs" segment, emphasizing the level of detail available for analysis. - **Dimension Exploration - "Who Are They?":** - Demographic details of the film buffs segment are presented, including location (mostly in London), popular names, self-descriptions, gender, and language use. - This information is highlighted as valuable for advertising campaigns, creative inspiration, and targeting similar individuals. - **Dimension Exploration - "How They Engage with the World":** - Personality traits of audience segments are assessed using the Big Five personality dimensions. The film buffs segment is compared to the overall Channel 4 audience, emphasizing differences, such as higher calmness and social conservatism. - **Dimension Exploration - "Online Habits, Interests, and Drivers":** - The online habits dimension reveals device types, content engagement, reaction patterns, and online presence. Film buffs are noted to be less likely to be online on weekends but more likely during weekdays, with preferences for Twitter and Medium. - Interests include affinities for brands, influencers, music types, and unique preferences, such as a higher interest in books and literature than the main audience. - **Unique AI-Driven Insights:** - The platform, powered by AI, including IBM Watson, goes beyond demographics and interests to reveal what drives the audience. It indicates needs and values likely to resonate with the segment, providing a comprehensive understanding for targeted strategies. This overview emphasizes the detailed and multifaceted insights provided by Audiense Insights for understanding audience segments and tailoring strategies accordingly.



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