
About Us video

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1. **Challenges with Messy Customer Data:** - Brands without a unified view of customer data face increased time and financial investments in marketing efforts. - Customer experiences suffer when data is disorganized, leading to subpar interactions. 2. **Issues with Third-Party Data:** - Some brands resort to buying third-party data for a clearer customer view, but it's not always accurate and may not comply with regulations. - The reliance on such data poses potential risks and challenges for businesses. 3. **Duplicate Records Impact:** - Duplicate customer records contribute to marketing inefficiencies as brands end up targeting the same customers multiple times. - This redundancy not only wastes money but also results in customers feeling like strangers to the brand. 4. **Benefits of Unified Customer Profiles:** - Brands benefit from unified, trustworthy customer profiles accessible to all business teams and connected to necessary tools. - Improved targeting leads to increased return on ad spend, while the ability to bring one-time buyers back boosts revenue and customer lifetime value. 5. **Enhanced Customer Experience:** - Leveraging top customers and look-alike audiences for targeting results in a personalized treatment that customers desire. - The overall impact is positive for business, teams, and customers, emphasizing the economic value of better data management.


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Demo video

Video Summary

- Customer data challenges: Even when organized, accessing and deriving value from customer data can be difficult. - Complex identity resolution: Traditional methods struggle with scattered data from various sources, leading to incomplete and unreliable customer profiles. - Amperity's approach: Embracing the messiness of data, Amperity uses a new methodology for stable yet flexible customer records in a comprehensive Customer Data Platform (CDP). - Unique features: Amperity handles data with unmatched complexity, scale, and speed, using artificial intelligence to unify records and adapt to changes over time. - Benefits: The platform provides a unified customer 360 database, privacy compliance, and easy access, enabling marketers and technical users to build segments, access predictive insights, and orchestrate multi-channel campaigns for enhanced customer experiences and business growth.



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Business Department
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