What is Timely? The Complete Beginner’s Guide

In this guide, you’ll find everything you need to know to get started with Timely

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11 Jan 2022
5 min read
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What is Timely? The Complete Beginner’s Guide

The average person loses over two hours of productive time each day due to poor time management? Meet Timely, a tool designed to help you reclaim those lost hours. Whether you’re a freelancer with multiple clients, a project manager tracking team progress, or part of a remote team, mastering time tracking can boost your efficiency. In this post, we'll explore what makes Timely special, its time tracking methods, who benefits the most, and share practical tips to help you get the most out of this powerful software. Ready to take control of your time? Keep reading!

In this guide, you’ll find everything you need to know to get started with Timely, including:

  • What Timely is and why it’s important.
  • The different types of time tracking and how they work.
  • Who can benefit from using Timely.
  • Tips, tools, and best practices to succeed with Timely.

Read on so you can master time management and boost your productivity with Timely!

What is Timely?

Timely is a time tracking tool that helps individuals and businesses monitor how they spend their time. It automatically records work activities, allowing users to see where their time goes, boost productivity, and make better use of their day. It's especially helpful for remote workers and small businesses to manage time efficiently and ensure all tasks are accounted for.

How Timely Works

Timely simplifies time tracking with several helpful features:

Automatic Time Tracking
Timely's Memory Tracker records all activities, like meetings and app usage, without needing users to start and stop timers. This saves time and improves accuracy.

Project and Team Management
Create and manage projects, assign tasks, and track progress easily. This is especially helpful for remote teams to stay organized and meet deadlines.

Detailed Reporting
Generate comprehensive reports to understand how time is spent across tasks and projects. Customize these reports to analyze productivity and make informed decisions.

Timely works with various tools, including project management software, calendars, and communication platforms. This integration streamlines workflows and ensures smooth tool compatibility.

Privacy and Security
Timely prioritizes the privacy and security of your data. All data is encrypted, and users have control over what is tracked and reported.

Who Can Benefit from Timely?

Freelancers: Timely helps freelancers keep track of work hours and pay. It also lets them share detailed reports with clients, adding a layer of transparency and professionalism.

Remote Teams: For managers overseeing remote teams, Timely offers a clear view of team activities and remote employee time tracking. This helps in managing projects effectively and ensuring productivity, even when team members are working from different locations.

Agencies: Agencies that juggle multiple clients and projects will find Timely’s project management and reporting features very useful. These tools help ensure projects are finished on time and within budget, strengthening client relationships and streamlining workflows.

Small Businesses: Small businesses can benefit greatly from Timely’s time-tracking and project management tools. By making time management more efficient and providing detailed insights into project progress, Timely helps small businesses reduce costs, improve efficiency, and make better decisions for growth and success.

Timely Tips and Best Practices

Check and Organize Your Tracked Time Regularly

It's important to check and organize your tracked time often. By doing this, you make sure all your activities are recorded correctly. This helps you keep track of billable hours and find any mistakes early. Spend a few minutes at the end of each day or week to review your time entries, organize them properly, and fix any errors. This habit ensures your time data stays accurate.

Use Timely’s Reports to Spot Productivity Trends

Timely’s reports can show you how your time is spent on different tasks and projects. By looking at these reports often, you can find trends in your productivity, like which tasks take up most of your time or where you might be wasting time. Use this information to make better decisions and improve your workflow. For example, if some tasks always take longer than expected, look for ways to make them faster or get more help. This keeps you working efficiently.

Connect Timely with Other Tools

Connecting Timely with other tools you use can make your workflow smoother and reduce manual data entry. Timely works well with tools like Asana, Trello, Slack, and QuickBooks. By linking these tools, your time tracking data is automatically updated across platforms, reducing errors and saving you time. For example, tasks created in Asana or Trello can show up in Timely, so you can start tracking time on them right away without switching apps. This makes your workflow more efficient, allowing you to focus on your main tasks.

Use Automation Features

Timely’s automation features, like the Memory Tracker, can save you a lot of time by automatically recording your activities. Turn on these features to capture every second spent on tasks, meetings, and app use without needing to do it manually. This makes sure no billable hours are missed and gives you a full picture of your workday. Relying on automation reduces the need to remember to start and stop timers, letting you focus on your work.

Backup Your Data Regularly

Backing up your time tracking data regularly ensures you don't lose important information due to technical problems or accidental deletions. Timely keeps your data safe by encrypting it, but it's still a good idea to export your data regularly and store it securely. This way, you have access to past data for future reference, reporting, or audits.

Teach Your Team About Timely’s Features

If you manage a team, make sure everyone knows how to use Timely’s features. Hold training sessions to teach your team members how to use the app for time tracking, project management, and reporting. Encourage them to review their time entries regularly and use the automation features to improve accuracy. A well-trained team will use the tool effectively, leading to better productivity and time management.

By following these tips and best practices, you can get the most out of Timely, ensuring accurate time tracking, better productivity, and a smoother workflow.

How to Use Timely Successfully

Sign Up and Set Up

  • Visit Timely's website and sign up with your email or Google account.
  • Create your workspace, enter your company or project name, and customize settings.

Download the App

  • Get the Timely app for your desktop (Windows/Mac), mobile (iOS/Android), or browser (Chrome/Firefox).

Create Projects and Tasks

  • Add projects for different clients or teams and create tasks under each project.
  • Assign tasks to team members, set deadlines, and estimate hours.

Start Tracking Time

  • Use the timer to track time on tasks or manually log hours.
  • Enable the Memory feature for automatic time tracking.

Generate Reports and Integrate

  • Create detailed reports on time usage by project, team member, or date range.
  • Integrate Timely with tools like Asana, Trello, Slack, and QuickBooks for a seamless workflow.

Get Started with Timely Today

Timely is a helpful tool for saving time and boosting productivity. It offers features like automatic time tracking, project management, and detailed reporting, making it ideal for freelancers, project managers, and remote teams. By organizing tracked time, using reports to spot trends, integrating Timely with other tools, and using automation, you can improve your workflow and efficiency. Timely ensures accurate time tracking and takes pressure off of overloaded workers, changing how you manage your time. Want to take control of your schedule? Start using Timely today and see the difference in your productivity and efficiency.

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Maximize team productivity with automatic time tracking and project management.

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