Quality Management in Contact Centers: A Deep Dive into Cresta's AQM Solution

We look at how how Cresta uses artificial intelligence to revolutionize how contact centers work.

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11 Jan 2022
5 min read
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Quality Management in Contact Centers: A Deep Dive into Cresta's AQM Solution

Imagine a contact center where customer service interactions are consistently smooth, agents receive instant feedback, and quality management is effortlessly automated. This is the future with Automated Quality Management (AQM).

In an industry where each conversation can impact a customer relationship, maintaining high service quality is essential. That's where Cresta comes in. As a leader in AQM, Cresta uses artificial intelligence to revolutionize how contact centers work. This blog explores the importance of AQM, the benefits of Cresta's advanced solution, and provides a practical guide to implementing it for the best results.

What is AQM and Why is it Important?

Automated Quality Management (AQM) refers to the use of advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, to monitor, evaluate, and enhance the performance of contact center agents. Unlike traditional Quality Management (QM), which relies heavily on manual evaluations and random sampling, AQM continuously analyzes all interactions in real-time, ensuring a comprehensive and unbiased assessment of agent performance.

The significance of AQM in the contact center industry cannot be overstated. Here’s why it’s important:

  1. Comprehensive Evaluation: Traditional QM methods often involve evaluating a small, random sample of interactions, which can lead to biased or incomplete assessments. AQM, on the other hand, monitors and analyzes 100% of customer interactions. This thoroughness ensures that no interaction is overlooked, providing a complete and accurate picture of agent performance.
  2. Unbiased Assessments: Human evaluators can be influenced by conscious or unconscious biases, leading to inconsistent and subjective assessments. AQM eliminates this issue by using AI-driven algorithms that apply the same standards uniformly across all evaluations. This results in fairer and more objective performance reviews.
  3. Real-time Monitoring: One of the standout features of AQM is its ability to provide real-time monitoring and feedback. This means that issues can be identified and addressed immediately, rather than waiting for periodic reviews. Real-time insights allow for prompt corrective actions, which can significantly enhance service quality and customer satisfaction.
  4. Actionable Insights: AQM systems generate detailed reports and analytics, offering actionable insights into various aspects of contact center operations. These insights can help managers identify training needs, recognize high-performing agents, and pinpoint areas for process improvement. By leveraging these insights, contact centers can continually optimize their performance and efficiency.
  5. Enhanced Compliance: Ensuring compliance with industry regulations and internal policies is crucial in the contact center environment. AQM systems can automatically detect and flag compliance issues, ensuring that agents adhere to required protocols. This proactive approach helps in mitigating risks and maintaining high standards of service.
  6. Improved Customer Satisfaction: Ultimately, the goal of any contact center is to provide excellent customer service. AQM contributes to this by ensuring that agents consistently deliver high-quality interactions. By identifying and addressing performance issues in real-time, AQM helps in maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction.
  7. Cost Efficiency: Implementing AQM can lead to significant cost savings in the long run. By automating the quality management process, contact centers can reduce the need for extensive manual reviews and the associated labor costs. Additionally, by improving agent performance and customer satisfaction, AQM can contribute to higher customer retention rates and reduced churn.

What is Cresta?

Cresta provides advanced Automated Quality Management (AQM) solutions, leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance the quality management process in contact centers. Their technology is designed to improve efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction by analyzing and interpreting large volumes of data in real-time. This enables contact centers to gain insights, identify patterns, and make data-driven decisions to improve performance.

Cresta's features include:

  • Real-Time Coaching: Offers immediate feedback and guidance to agents during interactions.
  • Comprehensive Feedback and Performance Analysis: Provides detailed insights, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Workload Reduction: Automates routine evaluations, reducing the time required from quality assurance teams.
  • Consistent High Standards: Maintains uniform criteria for evaluating interactions, minimizing biases and inconsistencies.
  • Scalability: Supports contact centers of all sizes, managing large volumes of interactions efficiently.
  • Future-Proof Technology: Evolves with advancements in AI and machine learning, ensuring access to the latest tools.

Benefits of AQM with Cresta

Real-time Coaching and Feedback

One of the standout features of Cresta’s AQM solution is its ability to provide real-time coaching and feedback to agents. By analyzing conversations as they happen, Cresta’s AI identifies opportunities for improvement and delivers immediate guidance, helping agents refine their skills and enhance their performance on the spot.

Enhancing Customer Experience

Cresta’s AQM solution significantly improves customer satisfaction by ensuring that every interaction meets high-quality standards. With real-time monitoring and feedback, agents can consistently deliver excellent service, leading to more positive customer experiences and higher loyalty rates.

Reducing Workload

Automation in QM reduces the manual effort required to evaluate agent performance. Cresta’s AQM system automates the monitoring and assessment process, freeing up quality assurance teams to focus on more strategic tasks. This leads to more efficient use of resources and a reduction in operational costs.

Implementing AQM with Cresta

Assessment and Planning

  • Evaluate Current Processes: Start by conducting a thorough evaluation of your current Quality Management (QM) processes. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your existing system. Pinpoint specific areas where automation could enhance efficiency, accuracy, and overall effectiveness.
  • Identify Goals: Define clear objectives for what you want to achieve with Cresta’s AQM. Whether it's reducing manual workloads, increasing accuracy, or improving agent performance, having clear goals will guide your implementation process.
  • Develop an Implementation Plan: Create a comprehensive implementation plan that includes detailed timelines, resource allocation, and milestones. This plan should outline every step of the process, from initial assessment to full deployment, ensuring that all team members are on the same page.


  • Collaborate with Cresta’s Support Team: Work closely with Cresta’s support team to integrate their AQM solution with your existing contact center infrastructure. This collaboration is crucial for a smooth setup, ensuring that the software seamlessly integrates with your current systems.
  • Technical Setup: Address any technical requirements, such as software compatibility, data migration, and system configurations. Ensure that all necessary integrations with CRM systems, communication platforms, and other tools are properly configured.


  • Comprehensive Training Programs: Organize in-depth training sessions for your agents and managers. These sessions should cover all aspects of using Cresta’s AQM tools, from basic functionalities to advanced features.
  • Hands-on Practice: Provide opportunities for hands-on practice, allowing your team to get comfortable with the new tools. Practical exercises and real-world scenarios can help reinforce learning and build confidence.
  • Continuous Learning: Establish a continuous learning environment by offering ongoing training and support. Regularly update your team on new features and best practices to ensure they stay proficient in using the AQM system.

Monitoring and Optimization

  • Continuous Monitoring: Regularly monitor the performance of Cresta’s AQM system. Track key metrics and gather feedback from users to identify any issues or areas for improvement.
  • Gather Insights: Utilize the insights provided by Cresta’s AQM to optimize your QM processes. Analyze the data to understand trends, identify performance gaps, and make data-driven decisions.
  • Make Adjustments: Based on the feedback and insights, make necessary adjustments to your processes. This could involve refining evaluation criteria, updating training programs, or tweaking system configurations to enhance performance.
  • Regular Reviews: Schedule regular reviews to assess the impact of the AQM system. Evaluate whether it’s meeting your initial goals and objectives, and make strategic changes as needed to align with your evolving needs.

By following these detailed steps, you can effectively implement Cresta’s AQM solution in your contact center, driving improvements in quality management and overall performance.


The integration of Cresta's Automated Quality Management (AQM) solution represents a significant change for contact centers. Using artificial intelligence and machine learning, Cresta improves the quality management process, making it more efficient, accurate, and impactful. 

As contact centers continue to evolve, adopting advanced AQM solutions like Cresta's will be crucial for maintaining high service standards and achieving operational excellence. By embracing this technology, contact centers can meet and exceed customer expectations, building long-term loyalty and success in a competitive landscape.

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Cresta Virtual Agent helps you discover conversation reasons and behaviors, and automate conversations by leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) – the same generative AI technology behind revolutions like #ChatGPT.

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