How Medius is using AI to maximize cashflow with it's customers

We take a look at Medius and how they are helping customers bring cash flow under control using AI.

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11 Jan 2022
5 min read
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How Medius is using AI to maximize cashflow with it's customers

In the pursuit of enhancing financial operations and extending working capital, finance professionals continually seek innovative strategies and tools. Among the myriad of challenges, effective management of invoice processing, cost control, and cash flow optimization stand out. This comprehensive guide delves into these critical areas, highlighting how technological advancements, particularly in AP automation, play a pivotal role. A key player in this domain is Medius, a leader in cloud-based AP automation solutions, which has revolutionized invoice management through the integration of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, OCR, and other technologies.

Embracing AP Automation with Medius for Enhanced Invoice Management

Medius is at the forefront of transforming invoice processing through its advanced AP automation solutions. By leveraging AI and machine learning, Medius streamlines the entire invoice-to-pay cycle, making it more efficient, accurate, and virtually touchless. Here's how Medius contributes to extending working capital by optimizing invoice processing and cost control:

Transforming Invoice Processing

Medius employs AI-driven technologies to automate and enhance various facets of invoice management:

  • Digital Invoice Capture: Utilizing AI and OCR, Medius captures and digitizes invoices in multiple formats, reducing manual entry and speeding up the invoice processing cycle.
  • Automated Invoice Matching: The system uses machine learning to match invoices with purchase orders and delivery notes automatically, minimizing errors and facilitating quicker approvals.
  • Continuous Learning: With each invoice processed, Medius's AI technology learns and improves, enhancing the system's accuracy and efficiency over time.

Boosting Cost Control and Spend Visibility

Through its comprehensive AP automation solution, Medius not only automates invoice processing but also provides tools that offer real-time insights into spending, aiding in more effective cost control:

  • Real-time Spend Analysis: Medius enables finance teams to access immediate spend data and analytics, allowing for better budget management and identification of savings opportunities.
  • Enhanced Data Extraction: By extracting detailed information from invoices, Medius turns vast amounts of data into actionable insights, facilitating strategic decision-making and effective spend management.

Optimizing Cash Flow Management

Medius's AP automation solution directly impacts cash flow management by improving the efficiency of the invoice-to-pay cycle and offering strategic benefits:

  • Improved Days Payable Outstanding (DPO): Automating the AP process allows businesses to strategically extend DPO, improving liquidity without harming supplier relationships.
  • Cash Flow Forecasting: With enhanced visibility into upcoming payments and historical spend data, businesses can better forecast cash flow and make informed financial decisions.

Integrating Medius into Working Capital Strategies

Incorporating Medius's AP automation into a company's financial strategy can significantly extend working capital. By automating invoice processing, enhancing cost control, and optimizing cash flow management, Medius provides a robust solution for finance professionals aiming to improve their company's financial health. As businesses navigate the complexities of financial management, adopting such advanced technological solutions becomes essential for achieving operational excellence and financial stability.


Extending working capital is crucial for the growth and sustainability of any business. In this comprehensive guide, we've explored strategies that finance professionals can employ to manage invoices effectively, control costs, and optimize cash flow. By leveraging technology, particularly the innovative solutions offered by Medius, businesses can achieve these objectives more efficiently, ensuring long-term financial health and success.

Understanding Days Payable Outstanding (DPO)

DPO is a measure of how long a company takes to pay its invoices from vendors and suppliers, representing a critical part of working capital management and cash flow analysis. The formula to calculate DPO is:

DPO=(Accounts PayableCost of Goods Sold)×Number of DaysDPO=(Cost of Goods SoldAccounts Payable​)×Number of Days

This metric is essential for several reasons:

  • Cash Flow Management: A higher DPO means a company retains cash longer, enhancing liquidity and potentially its capacity for investment.
  • Credit Terms Optimization: It highlights how effectively a business negotiates payment terms with suppliers, crucial for maintaining a healthy supply chain.
  • Operational Efficiency: DPO analysis alongside other financial metrics offers insights into a company's operational efficiency and cash conversion cycle.
  • Benchmarking and Strategy: Serving as a benchmark, DPO helps companies understand how their payment policies compare to industry standards.

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