Employee Recognition Gifts: Best Practices for HR and the best tools to use

In 2024, recognizing and appreciating employees isn't just good manners; it's a critical component of employee engagement.

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11 Jan 2022
5 min read
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Employee Recognition Gifts: Best Practices for HR and the best tools to use

In an era where the human element in Human Resources has never been more important, the practice of recognizing employee achievements has evolved from mere tradition to a strategic imperative. The art of gifting, when done right, can significantly boost morale, increase employee engagement, and strengthen loyalty to the company. But what constitutes best practice in the realm of employee recognition gifts? Let's delve into the nuances of crafting memorable and meaningful gestures of appreciation.

Personalization and Technology: The Heart of Modern Recognition

Personalization is key in making team members feel valued. A generic gift card may be convenient, but it lacks the personal touch that makes employees feel truly appreciated for their hard work. Incorporating company swag, custom rewards, and even charitable donations can make recognition gifts more meaningful, aligning them closely with company values and core values.

The rise of best employee recognition software has made personalizing and managing recognition efforts significantly easier. Platforms like Vantage Circle and Bonusly offer a range of reward options, including gift cards, experiences, and even monetary rewards through a points-based system. These platforms provide a user-friendly interface that enhances the user experience, making it easier for HR leaders to implement an effective employee recognition program.

The Power of Choice and Flexibility

Offering a variety of reward options through a robust employee recognition program allows employees to choose rewards that are truly meaningful to them. From employee rewards for great work to social recognition for good work, these platforms offer customization options that cater to the diverse preferences of large teams or small businesses alike.

The perfect employee recognition software for large enterprises or small team needs to offer ease of use and flexibility. Features like a mobile app, free trial, and even a free plan are essential for testing and ensuring the software meets the specific needs of an organization. For those seeking more advanced features, platforms often have a pricing page that details options for a monthly allowance of reward points or additional customization features.

Fostering a Positive Culture Through Recognition

Public recognition, peer recognition, and service awards are creative ways to acknowledge exceptional performance and special occasions, reinforcing a positive work culture. Integration with tools like Microsoft Teams enhances the overall employee experience, making recognition a seamless part of the daily workflow.

Employee recognition apps and platforms also support continuous performance management by providing channels for employee feedback and positive feedback, crucial for maintaining a positive workplace culture. This, in turn, plays a significant role in employee retention and satisfaction, contributing to a more positive company culture.

Recognizing in Different Ways

From celebrating work anniversaries with service awards to acknowledging top performers with special rewards, recognizing employees in different ways is vital. Creative recognition programs can include offering a monthly allowance for personal development, unique reward points for team activities, or even a culture of recognition that supports mental health initiatives.

The best employee recognition platforms, such as Amazon Business for corporate gifts or platforms like Vantage Circle for comprehensive employee engagement, offer a unique feature set designed for ease of customization. Whether it's for a large organization or a small business, these platforms provide the tools needed for a positive impact on the entire team.

While there are numerous ways to acknowledge employee contributions, gifting stands out as a tangible and memorable method to convey gratitude. This gesture not only enhances the recipient's sense of belonging but also catalyzes a ripple effect of positive outcomes across the organization. Let’s explore the top five positive results from employee recognition through gifting.

1. Enhanced Employee Engagement

Engagement is the emotional commitment an employee has towards their organization and its goals. When employees receive gifts as a form of recognition for their hard work and dedication, it significantly boosts their engagement levels. This is not just about the monetary value of the gift but the recognition and appreciation it represents. Engaged employees are more productive, contribute to a positive work environment, and are more likely to go above and beyond in their roles. The act of gifting, especially when personalized, communicates to employees that their contributions are noticed and valued, leading to increased motivation and a stronger connection to the company.

2. Boosted Morale and Job Satisfaction

Recognition through gifting can greatly enhance an employee's morale and overall job satisfaction. Receiving a gift for a job well done or for reaching a milestone can make employees feel appreciated and proud of their achievements. This recognition can transform their job into a more fulfilling and meaningful experience. High morale leads to a more positive workplace culture, where employees feel happy about coming to work. This positivity is contagious, creating a more vibrant and dynamic work environment that benefits everyone.

3. Improved Employee Retention

One of the significant challenges faced by organizations today is retaining top talent. Employee recognition through gifting is a powerful tool in an organization’s retention strategy. When employees feel recognized and appreciated, they are more likely to remain loyal to the company. This sense of belonging and appreciation can outweigh the lure of slightly higher compensation elsewhere. Moreover, the cost of retaining an employee through thoughtful recognition is often less than the expense of recruiting, hiring, and training new staff. Therefore, a strategic approach to recognition can save the company significant resources in the long run.

4. Fosters a Culture of Recognition and Positivity

Employee recognition through gifting can help in building a strong culture of recognition and positivity within the organization. When recognition is part of the organizational DNA, it encourages others to recognize their peers, creating a virtuous cycle of appreciation. This culture fosters a positive work environment where employees feel valued and part of a supportive community. A positive company culture is not only beneficial for employee well-being but also attracts new talent looking for a great place to work.

5. Increases Company Loyalty and Brand Advocacy

Employees who feel recognized and valued are more likely to develop a deep sense of loyalty to their employer. This loyalty translates into employees becoming brand advocates for the company. Happy and satisfied employees are more likely to speak positively about their workplace, both in person and on social media. This informal yet powerful form of marketing can enhance the company’s reputation as an employer of choice and attract high-quality candidates.

Implementing Effective Recognition Through Gifting

To harness these benefits, organizations should consider the following best practices for employee recognition through gifting:

  • Personalization: Tailor gifts to match the employees' interests, achievements, or needs, making the recognition more meaningful.
  • Timeliness: Recognize achievements and milestones promptly to reinforce positive behaviors and outcomes.
  • Inclusivity: Ensure that recognition and gifting programs are inclusive, fair, and accessible to all employees.
  • Integration with Company Values: Align gifts and recognition efforts with the company’s core values to reinforce what the organization stands for.
  • Feedback and Continuous Improvement: Gather feedback on recognition and gifting programs to continually adapt and improve their effectiveness.

An effective employee recognition program is about more than just rewards; it's about creating an amazing employee experience that boosts morale, fosters a positive work environment, and enhances employee engagement. With the right tools, such as top-rated employee recognition platforms, HR leaders can find an easier way to implement best practices, ensuring a positive impact on the overall employee experience.

In a rapidly changing work environment, adapting these practices isn't just beneficial; it's necessary. Investing in a robust employee recognition program is not just about retaining talent; it's about building a culture that attracts the best. As HR professionals, we have the opportunity to lead by example, demonstrating that in the world of work, appreciation is not just appreciated; it's transformative.

Top 5 Software Vendors Revolutionizing the Art of Gifting

In the rapidly evolving landscape of corporate culture and personal relationships, the way we express appreciation, celebrate milestones, and foster connections has taken a digital turn. As we navigate through this digital era, software vendors specializing in gifting solutions are playing a pivotal role in transforming the act of giving into an efficient, meaningful, and impactful experience. Among the myriad of options, five software vendors stand out for their innovative approach, user-friendly platforms, and comprehensive offerings: Bonusly, Vantage Circle, Awardco, Sendoso, and Kudos.

1. Bonusly - Reinventing Recognition in the Workplace

At the forefront of employee recognition, Bonusly offers a unique platform that integrates seamlessly with workplace culture. It stands out for its intuitive interface and social media-like experience, making recognition fun, inclusive, and engaging. Employees can give micro-bonuses to their peers, which can be redeemed for a wide range of gifts, experiences, or charitable donations. This not only boosts morale but also encourages a culture of continuous recognition and appreciation.


  • User-friendly and engaging interface.
  • Flexible redemption options, enhancing the personal value of rewards.


  • Requires active participation from all team members to maintain engagement levels.

2. Vantage Circle - A Holistic Employee Engagement Suite

Vantage Circle provides a comprehensive suite for employee engagement, recognition, and wellness. Its gifting solution is part of a broader ecosystem that includes health and wellness challenges, employee discounts, and a rewards platform. What sets Vantage Circle apart is its ability to offer a 360-degree solution to employee engagement, with a focus on holistic well-being.


  • Comprehensive engagement suite beyond gifting.
  • Offers discounts and deals, adding value to the employee's everyday life.


  • The broad focus might dilute the impact of the gifting solution for users looking for specialized services.

3. Awardco - Maximizing Reward Value with Amazon Business

Awardco has revolutionized the gifting and rewards landscape by partnering with Amazon Business, allowing employees to leverage the vast selection of Amazon for their rewards. This partnership not only expands the choice exponentially but also ensures that the value of rewards is maximized, given Amazon's competitive pricing.


  • Extensive selection of gifts through Amazon Business.
  • Transparent pricing ensures high value for reward points.


  • Dependency on Amazon may limit customization and personalization options for companies.

4. Sendoso - The Power of Personal Touch in Corporate Gifting

Sendoso takes corporate gifting to the next level by offering a platform that enables sending personalized gifts, eGifts, and even custom company swag at scale. What makes Sendoso stand out is its emphasis on personalization and the ability to integrate direct mailing into the digital gifting process, bridging the gap between online and offline worlds.


  • High level of personalization and custom branding options.
  • Seamless integration with existing CRM and marketing automation tools.


  • The cost may be higher compared to digital-only platforms.

5. Kudos - Enhancing Employee Engagement Through Recognition

Kudos focuses on building a culture of appreciation and connectedness within organizations through its recognition and rewards platform. It offers a blend of peer-to-peer recognition and managerial acknowledgment, making everyone in the organization an active participant in the culture of recognition.


  • Strong emphasis on building a positive workplace culture.
  • Flexible and customizable recognition programs.


  • Might require a cultural shift within the organization to be fully effective.


In an age where digital transformation is inevitable, the act of gifting has transcended traditional boundaries, becoming more inclusive, personalized, and impactful. These top 5 software vendors are not just facilitating transactions but are enriching relationships and strengthening bonds within organizations and beyond. As we continue to embrace digital solutions in all facets of our lives, investing in innovative gifting solutions becomes not just a trend but a necessity to foster genuine connections and recognize the efforts of those around us. Whether it's through a simple gesture of appreciation or a grand display of gratitude, these platforms offer the tools needed to convey our sentiments in a manner that resonates in today's digital age

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Navigating the vast world of software can be daunting. Let AppGriffin guide you effortlessly to the ideal solutions with video introductions and information tailored to your needs.

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Maximize your digital strategy with a sending strategy. Send personalized items, branded merchandise, eGifts, or virtual experiences your clients will love—while delivering measurable results you can build on.

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Enhance team performance and employee engagement with meaningful recognition.

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Boost employee recognition and reward with a peer-to-peer platform.

Awardco enhances employee recognition through meaningful rewards and incentives.

Elevate employee engagement with exclusive rewards and recognition solutions.

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