Top 5 Bonusly Alternatives & Competitors for Employee Recognition

Discover the best Bonusly alternatives for employee recognition: Kudos, Guusto, Awardco, Vantage Circle, Applauz

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11 Jan 2022
5 min read
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Top 5 Bonusly Alternatives & Competitors for Employee Recognition


Bonusly is an innovative platform designed to enhance employee recognition and engagement within organizations of all sizes. It operates on the principle that timely, frequent, and public recognition can significantly boost morale and productivity. Bonusly allows employees to give small bonuses to their peers, acknowledging their contributions in real-time. These bonuses are usually tied to specific achievements or commendable behaviors, promoting a culture of appreciation and visibility across the company. The platform integrates seamlessly with popular work tools, making it easy for team members to celebrate successes as part of their daily routine. Beyond just recognition, Bonusly facilitates a rewards system where the points received can be exchanged for tangible rewards, such as gift cards or charitable donations. This approach not only motivates employees but also fosters a sense of belonging and community within the workplace. By encouraging positive feedback and reinforcing company values, Bonusly helps build a more engaged and cohesive team.

Company Size Services: Small Business, Mid-Market, Enterprise


  1. Peer-to-Peer Recognition: Bonusly enables employees to recognize and reward their colleagues for their achievements and contributions in real-time. This fosters a culture of appreciation and collaboration across the organization.
  2. Rewards: The platform offers a versatile rewards system where the points earned from recognition can be exchanged for a wide array of rewards, including gift cards, experiences, and charitable donations. This tangible appreciation motivates and satisfies employees.
  3. Automated Milestones: Bonusly automates the recognition of significant employee milestones, such as work anniversaries or project completions, ensuring consistent acknowledgment of employees' dedication and hard work over time.
  4. Incentive Programs: It supports customizable incentive programs that align with company goals, encouraging behaviors that drive business success. These programs are designed to motivate employees towards specific objectives with clear rewards.
  5. Employee Analytics: Bonusly provides detailed analytics and reporting tools, offering insights into recognition patterns, employee engagement levels, and the impact of recognition activities on organizational health.
  6. Integrations: The platform seamlessly integrates with a variety of workplace tools (such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, and HRIS systems), making it accessible and convenient for employees to give and receive recognition within their existing workflows.

By combining these solutions, Bonusly aims to create a more connected, motivated, and productive workplace where employees feel valued and recognized for their contributions.

Unique Capabilities:

  1. Seamless integration with popular tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and HRIS platforms.
  2. Real-time feedback and recognition.
  3. Extensive rewards catalog with global coverage.
  4. Customizable recognition and rewards programs.
  5. Detailed analytics and reporting for insights into team engagement.

Logical Choice When: You're looking for an easy-to-use, highly integrable platform that encourages active participation in recognition across all company levels.

Free Version/Trial and Pricing: Offers a free trial. Pricing is tier-based, starting at a basic level with essential features and scaling up to include more advanced analytics and customization options.

1. Kudos

Description: Kudos is a peer-to-peer recognition platform that stands at the forefront of enhancing workplace engagement and morale. By implementing a comprehensive peer-to-peer recognition program, Kudos facilitates a dynamic environment where employees are empowered to acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of their colleagues in real time. This system of recognition not only fosters a culture of appreciation and support but also brings to light the myriad benefits of peer-to-peer recognition. These benefits include increased employee motivation, improved team cohesion, and a strengthened sense of community within the organization. Kudos leverages these principles to create a more positive, connected, and productive workplace, where every team member feels valued and recognized for their unique contributions.

Company Size Services: Small Business, Mid-Market

  1. Peer-to-Peer Recognition: Allows employees to recognize and appreciate each other's contributions and achievements, fostering a supportive and collaborative environment.
  2. Manager-to-Employee Recognition: Enables managers to acknowledge and reward their team members for exceptional work, reinforcing positive behaviors and achievements.
  3. Customizable Rewards: Offers a variety of reward options, including gift cards, experiences, and custom company rewards, allowing employees to choose what they value most.
  4. Milestone Celebrations: Facilitates the recognition of significant employee milestones, such as work anniversaries and professional achievements, enhancing feelings of belonging and appreciation.
  5. Social Recognition Wall: Provides a public space where recognitions can be shared and celebrated company-wide, increasing visibility and encouraging a culture of appreciation.
  6. Performance Analytics: Delivers insights into recognition patterns, engagement levels, and the overall impact of the recognition program on the organization, helping leaders make data-driven decisions.
Unique Capabilities
  1. Customizable recognition and rewards system.
  2. Integration with various HR and productivity tools.
  3. Accessible via mobile app and web.
  4. Real-time notifications and acknowledgments.
  5. Extensive reporting and analytics for engagement tracking.

Logical Choice When: Your priority is fostering a culture of appreciation with an easy-to-implement and straightforward recognition tool.

Free Version/Trial and Pricing: No free version. Offers a free trial, with pricing available upon request, tailored to company size and needs.

Bonusly Vs Kudos: a viewpoint

  • Rewards System and Redemption Options: Bonusly strongly emphasizes a tangible rewards system, where points earned from giving and receiving recognition can be redeemed for a wide variety of items, including gift cards and charitable donations. Kudos, while offering rewards, places more emphasis on the recognition aspect and fostering a positive work environment.
  • Integration with Workplace Tools: Bonusly focuses on seamless integration with existing workplace tools (like Slack and Microsoft Teams), making it easy for employees to give and receive recognition within their daily workflow. Kudos also integrates with workplace tools but places additional emphasis on creating a standalone corporate social network to enhance workplace connections.
  • User Interface and Experience: Bonusly offers a straightforward, user-friendly interface designed to facilitate quick and easy recognition among peers, aiming for minimal disruption to the workday. Kudos, in contrast, offers a more comprehensive platform that not only facilitates peer-to-peer recognition but also serves as a corporate social network, aiming to deepen workplace relationships and engagement through a more feature-rich experience.

2. Guusto

Guusto is a pioneering platform designed to revolutionize workplace engagement through the power of peer-to-peer recognition. At its core, Guusto empowers employees across all levels of an organization to celebrate and acknowledge each other's achievements, contributions, and milestones in real-time. By fostering a culture deeply rooted in peer-to-peer recognition, Guusto helps build stronger, more connected teams that are motivated by appreciation and positive reinforcement. This innovative approach to recognition transcends traditional top-down acknowledgment systems, placing emphasis on the impact that every team member can have on their peers' morale and sense of belonging. Guusto's intuitive platform simplifies the process of giving kudos, making it accessible and engaging for everyone within the company. Through this emphasis on peer-to-peer recognition, Guusto not only enhances workplace satisfaction and productivity but also contributes to a more vibrant, supportive, and collaborative work environment.

Company Size Services: Small Business, Mid-Market


  1. Employee Recognition: Guusto's platform facilitates real-time recognition among employees, allowing colleagues to acknowledge each other's achievements and contributions. This feature promotes a positive workplace culture, where everyone feels valued and motivated.
  2. Offline Recognition: Understanding the importance of inclusivity, Guusto provides options for offline recognition. This ensures that employees who may not have constant access to digital platforms can still participate in and benefit from the recognition culture.
  3. Milestone Recognition: Guusto helps organizations celebrate significant employee milestones, such as work anniversaries or career achievements. This targeted recognition reinforces the company's appreciation for long-term commitment and hard work.
  4. Customer Rewards: Beyond internal recognition, Guusto extends its platform to enable businesses to reward and recognize their customers. This feature helps strengthen customer relationships, enhance loyalty, and encourage repeat business by offering meaningful rewards.

Together, these features position Guusto as a versatile tool for fostering appreciation and loyalty among employees and customers alike, contributing to a more engaged and connected organizational environment.

Unique Capabilities
  1. No transaction or platform fees.
  2. Gift one, give one program contributing to clean water projects.
  3. Mobile-first design for recognition on the go.
  4. Flexible rewards with options across thousands of merchants.
  5. Easy to set up and use, with excellent customer support.

Logical Choice When: Cost-effectiveness and social responsibility are key factors in your decision-making process.

Free Version/Trial and Pricing: Free to use; pay only for the rewards you send. Pricing for premium features available upon request.

Bonusly vs Guusto - a viewpoint

  • Recognition Focus: Bonusly emphasizes peer-to-peer recognition within an online platform, where employees can easily give and receive points that translate into tangible rewards. It integrates seamlessly with daily workflows through compatibility with various workplace tools. Guusto, on the other hand, offers a broader approach that includes not only employee recognition but also extends to offline recognition and customer rewards, allowing for a more versatile application of its platform beyond internal team engagement.
  • Rewards and Redemption Options: While both platforms provide a rewards system, Bonusly's extensive catalog of redemption options emphasizes personal choice, from gift cards to charitable donations. Guusto also offers a rewards system but distinguishes itself with a unique feature that enables sending real-world gifts and experiences, not limited to online redemption, which can enhance the personal touch in recognition practices.
  • Milestone Recognition and Offline Capabilities: Guusto provides specific solutions for milestone recognition, celebrating significant employee achievements and life events, which adds a layer of personalization to the recognition process. Moreover, Guusto's offline recognition capabilities allow for a more flexible approach in how rewards and recognition can be delivered, ensuring that appreciation is not confined to the digital realm.
  • Customer Rewards: A unique feature of Guusto is its customer rewards program, which allows businesses to extend their recognition and rewards system beyond their employees to their customers, enhancing brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. This feature is not a primary focus of Bonusly, which is more centered on internal employee recognition and engagement.

In summary, while Bonusly focuses on creating a vibrant, engaging internal culture through peer-to-peer digital recognition and a vast array of reward options, Guusto offers a broader suite of features that include not just employee recognition but also offline recognition, milestone celebrations, and customer rewards, providing a comprehensive platform for both internal and external engagement strategies.

3. Awardco

Awardco is a comprehensive employee recognition and rewards platform designed to transform the way organizations celebrate achievements and milestones. By partnering with Amazon Business, Awardco offers an unparalleled selection of rewards, enabling employees to choose gifts that truly resonate with them. This unique collaboration ensures a seamless and satisfying reward redemption process, with the added benefit of Amazon's vast inventory and logistical prowess. Awardco stands out for its ability to streamline recognition across multiple facets of an organization, from peer-to-peer accolades to top-down awards for significant achievements. The platform is tailored to enhance engagement, boost morale, and foster a positive company culture by making recognition more meaningful and personalized. Additionally, Awardco's analytics tools provide valuable insights into recognition trends and employee satisfaction, helping leaders make informed decisions to further enhance their recognition strategies. With its user-friendly interface and customizable features, Awardco is redefining employee recognition for the modern workplace.

Company Size Services: Small Business, Mid-Market, Enterprise

Unique Capabilities:

  1. Partnership with Amazon for a vast selection of rewards.
  2. Customizable recognition programs.
  3. Integration capabilities with HR systems.
  4. Global reward options.
  5. No markups on Amazon products, maximizing reward value.

Logical Choice When: You're looking for a platform with a broad reward selection and efficient integration with existing systems.

Free Version/Trial and Pricing: No free version. Pricing is available upon request and is based on the number of users and desired features.

4. Vantage Circle

Vantage Circle is a versatile employee rewards and recognition platform that excels in enhancing workplace culture through innovative peer-to-peer recognition examples and ideas. By showcasing a variety of peer-to-peer recognition ideas, Vantage Circle encourages employees to actively participate in acknowledging the efforts and achievements of their colleagues. This approach not only boosts morale but also fosters a supportive and collaborative environment. The platform offers a myriad of peer-to-peer recognition examples, from public shout-outs and personalized thank-you notes to digital badges and points that can be redeemed for meaningful rewards. These examples serve as a foundation for organizations looking to cultivate a culture of appreciation and respect. Vantage Circle's comprehensive solution also includes health and wellness challenges, customizable rewards, and detailed analytics to measure the impact of recognition initiatives. By integrating these peer-to-peer recognition ideas into daily operations, Vantage Circle empowers companies to create a more engaged, motivated, and productive workforce.


Vantage Circle offers a comprehensive suite of employee engagement solutions designed to enhance workplace culture and employee satisfaction through recognition, rewards, health and wellness, and exclusive corporate discounts. Key solutions include:

  1. Employee Recognition and Rewards: Vantage Circle facilitates a culture of appreciation by enabling peer-to-peer recognition and top-down awards. The platform allows employees to celebrate each other's achievements with customizable rewards, enhancing morale and engagement.
  2. Health and Wellness Program: It promotes employee health and well-being through interactive challenges and initiatives. This feature encourages healthy lifestyle choices among employees, contributing to their overall well-being and productivity.
  3. Corporate Discounts: Vantage Circle provides exclusive access to a wide range of discounts and deals from various brands, helping employees save money on everyday purchases and special items, thereby increasing their job satisfaction and loyalty to the company.
  4. Feedback and Surveys: The platform offers tools for collecting employee feedback and conducting surveys, allowing organizations to gather insights into employee satisfaction and engagement levels. This feedback mechanism helps companies address concerns and improve their work environment.
  5. Analytics and Reporting: Vantage Circle comes equipped with advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, enabling HR teams and managers to track engagement levels, recognition patterns, and the overall impact of their employee engagement initiatives.

Company Size Services: Mid-Market, Enterprise

Unique Capabilities:

  1. Integrated wellness programs.
  2. Exclusive corporate discounts and deals.
  3. Global rewards marketplace.
  4. Customizable recognition programs.
  5. Detailed analytics for engagement and program effectiveness.

Logical Choice When: You're looking for a holistic approach to employee engagement that includes wellness and exclusive benefits.

Free Version/Trial and Pricing: Offers a free demo. Pricing is customized based on company requirements and size.

5. Applauz

Applauz is an innovative recognition and rewards platform designed to highlight the benefits of peer-to-peer recognition in the workplace. By facilitating a culture where employees actively acknowledge each other's achievements and contributions, Applauz leverages the power of recognition to enhance engagement, motivation, and overall job satisfaction. One of the key benefits of peer-to-peer recognition, as demonstrated through Applauz, is its ability to foster a sense of camaraderie and belonging among team members. This positive environment encourages employees to perform at their best, knowing their efforts are seen and appreciated by their peers. Applauz also offers customizable recognition programs, including milestone awards and performance incentives, alongside its peer-to-peer recognition capabilities. The platform provides valuable insights through analytics on employee engagement and recognition patterns, enabling managers to fine-tune their strategies for maximum impact. Applauz stands out by showing how structured peer-to-peer recognition can significantly contribute to building a supportive and dynamic workplace culture.


Applauz Recognition is a comprehensive platform designed to boost employee engagement and satisfaction through a variety of recognition and rewards solutions. It enables organizations to create a culture of appreciation by implementing easy-to-use features that celebrate employee achievements, milestones, and everyday contributions. Key solutions include:

  • Peer-to-Peer Recognition: Applauz facilitates an environment where employees can freely recognize each other's efforts, promoting teamwork and reinforcing positive behaviors across all levels of the organization.
  • Manager-to-Employee Recognition: The platform also supports top-down recognition, allowing managers to acknowledge and reward individual and team achievements, thereby strengthening the link between performance and recognition.
  • Rewards Marketplace: With an extensive catalog of rewards, Applauz makes it simple for employees to redeem points for meaningful gifts, experiences, or charitable donations, adding tangible value to the recognition they receive.
  • Performance Analytics: Applauz offers detailed analytics and reporting tools, providing insights into recognition trends, employee engagement, and the overall impact of the recognition program on the organization.
  • Engagement Surveys: The platform includes customizable surveys to gauge employee sentiment and feedback, helping companies understand and address the needs of their workforce more effectively.

Company Size Services: Small Business, Mid-Market

Unique Capabilities:

  1. Easy-to-use interface for users of all tech levels.
  2. Performance tracking alongside recognition.
  3. Customizable rewards and milestones.
  4. Pulse surveys for feedback and engagement.
  5. Competitive pricing with a focus on small to mid-sized businesses.

Logical Choice When: You're a small to mid-sized business looking for an affordable, feature-rich platform that balances recognition and performance tracking.

Free Version/Trial and Pricing: Offers a free version for up to 50 users. Paid plans provide additional features and support, with pricing available upon request.

Each of these platforms offers unique features and benefits, making them suitable alternatives to Bonusly depending on your company's size, needs, and priorities. From fostering a culture of appreciation to integrating wellness into employee engagement, these alternatives provide a range of options to enhance your recognition program.

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Enhance team performance and employee engagement with meaningful recognition.

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Boost employee recognition and reward with a peer-to-peer platform.

Empower your workforce with impactful employee recognition and rewards.

Elevate employee engagement with exclusive rewards and recognition solutions.

Awardco enhances employee recognition through meaningful rewards and incentives.

Empowering businesses with impactful employee recognition and reward solutions.

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