
About Us video

Video Summary

Recruiters face challenges in maintaining low hiring costs, filling roles quickly, and promptly responding to candidates, while applicants are often frustrated by long application forms, lack of communication, and slow response times. Sense offers a solution through its Talent Engagement Platform, which features full life cycle automation to streamline the entire hiring process from attracting to hiring and retaining top-tier talent. The platform utilizes an AI engine to automate and analyze the hiring flow, expanding the top of the funnel and enabling recruiters to engage with candidates more effectively, anytime and anywhere. Sense reduces recruiters' workload by automating tasks like screening and scheduling, allowing them to concentrate on interviewing and evaluating candidates, thereby speeding up the hiring process. The goal of Sense is to supercharge the hiring process, making it more efficient for recruiters and more satisfying for candidates.


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Demo video

Video Summary

AI-powered chatbots in the hiring process improve speed and efficiency, crucial in industries like staffing where being among the first to submit a resume is often necessary for success. Chatbots meet the modern candidate's expectations for a "consumer-like experience," offering real-time interactions even outside of standard business hours, addressing the needs of sectors such as healthcare. They help tackle the acute talent shortage problem by enabling recruiters to cast a wider net, significantly increasing the pool of potential candidates contacted for open positions. The implementation of chatbots like the "Sense Chatbot" has led to remarkable improvements: automating 90% of tasks traditionally performed by recruiters (data entry, screening, scheduling) and increasing job application completion rates from 3-5% to 25%. Chatbots have demonstrated a tangible impact on recruitment metrics: enhancing candidate screening efficiency by 263%, reducing time to fill positions by 30-81%, freeing up recruiter time, and tripling the placement rate from candidates engaged through chatbots compared to traditional methods.



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Business Department
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