
About Us video

Video Summary

Potion is a tool that enhances email communication by incorporating personalized video emails, aimed at helping users close more deals and strengthen relationships with prospects. The inclusion of video in emails significantly increases the likelihood of receiving responses from prospects, thus boosting conversion rates. The platform is user-friendly, requiring users to simply install a Chrome extension to get started. Users can create and send video emails directly from their Gmail inbox, making the process seamless and integrated with existing email routines. Potion distinguishes itself from traditional text-based emails by offering a more engaging and personalized way to communicate with email recipients.


Product Walkthrough

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Demo video

Video Summary

- **Platform Introduction:** - The tutorial is an introduction to "Potion," a platform for creating and customizing videos. - Users can access the platform by visiting sendpo.com and navigating to the sign-up/login page. - Options for logging in include Google, LinkedIn, or email, with a password recovery option available. - **Account Dashboard:** - Upon logging in, users are directed to the "My Videos" page, displaying a list of their videos. - Users can create new videos by clicking the "Create New Video" button, with options for different video types. - **Video Creation Options:** - Potion offers four types of videos: Time Dynamic (personalized for multiple viewers), Static (front camera or screen recordings), Uploaded Videos hosted on the user's Potion page. - Users can also create teleprompter scripts to aid in video recording, ensuring a smooth delivery without missing details. - **Customization Features:** - Users have the ability to customize their video page by uploading logos, favicons, and customizing domain names. - Additional customization options include adding links to logos, incorporating script tags (e.g., Google Analytics, Facebook page), and customizing GIF previews. - **Help and Support:** - If users encounter confusion, they can access tutorials by clicking the "Tutorials" button, providing an in-depth guide on using Potion's features. - The help page contains comprehensive information about all the functionalities available on the platform.



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