Videos and Profile

Ninety is the central hub for remote, hybrid, and in-person teams that want to thrive. Work smarter and more effectively — together.

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Video Summary

Individual Logins and Team Setup: Ninety allows for individual logins for each company member, offering the flexibility to set up multiple teams within the platform. This facilitates organization and management of departmental or project-specific teams, enhancing collaboration and focus. Task and Objective Management: The platform features a "My Focus" page where users can track their tasks ("to-dos") and objectives ("rocks") across all teams they are part of. It provides a streamlined view of personal priorities and progress, supporting users in staying organized and on track. Data Tracking and Analysis: Ninety includes a data section for tracking weekly and monthly measurables, akin to a customizable scorecard. This allows for real-time data entry and visual feedback (red or green indicators) based on the achievement of set goals. Users can easily update goals, assign ownership, and convert data points into actionable items (issues or to-dos). Meeting and Issue Management: The software supports the organization of Level 10 meetings, facilitating agenda setting, time management, and the integration of issues, to-dos, and objectives discussed within the meeting. It encourages active participation and ensures meeting outcomes are efficiently managed and followed up on. Comprehensive Business Tool Integration: Ninety offers a holistic suite of tools for business management, including an accountability chart for defining company roles and responsibilities, quarterly and annual review mechanisms for feedback, and a process documentation system for core business operations. Additionally, it features a directory for employee information and various pricing tiers for users, alongside support resources such as chat support, help articles, and training sessions.


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Business Department
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