
About Us video

Video Summary

- Morningscore is introduced as a new SEO ranking tool by Karsten, the CEO of the company. - Karsten highlights the challenge of finding a trustworthy SEO team amidst a wide range of price options ($500 to $50,000 a month). - The CEO emphasizes that while SEO professionals are helpful, making business decisions is not their primary role. - Morningscore is positioned as an online tool, similar to Google Analytics, that calculates the monetary value of SEO efforts and provides insights into potential opportunities and threats. - Viewers are encouraged to sign up for the BETA version of Morningscore, suggesting limited availability and expressing gratitude for their attention.


Product Walkthrough

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Demo video

Video Summary

- **Morning Score Introduction:** - The video provides an introduction to the Morning Score tool and its features. - The Morning Score is the main metric visible upon logging in, and its calculation is explained by clicking the info icon. - **Keyword Analysis:** - Users can delve into keyword details by clicking the "See Calculation" button under their Morning Score, revealing how specific keywords contribute to the overall score. - Competitor analysis is facilitated by changing the domain to view competitors' keywords and identify content gaps. - **Graph and Time Range:** - The video emphasizes the importance of selecting the appropriate time range for the graph to display relevant data. - Users can choose preset date ranges or customize their own by clicking the calendar icon in the top right corner. - **Report Section:** - The keyword section within the report displays all tracked keywords, allowing users to add new keywords and assess the daily change's impact on the Morning Score. - A suggested keyword section aids in finding relevant keywords for tracking and optimization. - **Mission Section:** - A new feature, the Mission Section, provides actionable advice for specific SEO improvements. - It includes elements such as the "Add Mission" button, tracking of active missions, suggested missions with difficulty and potential impact, and a completed missions overview. Custom missions can also be added for further SEO improvement.



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Business Department
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