
About Us video

Video Summary

FormAssembly Workflow: A process or system designed by FormAssembly for organizing and managing data collection activities efficiently and effectively. Complete Data Collection: The workflow aims to gather comprehensive data, ensuring that all necessary information is collected without gaps. Visual Data Collection: It emphasizes a user-friendly, visual approach to data collection, possibly including graphical interfaces, drag-and-drop form builders, and visual analytics. Integration and Automation: The workflow may include features for integrating with other platforms (such as CRM systems, databases, etc.) and automating parts of the data collection process to reduce manual work and increase accuracy. Security and Compliance: Ensuring that the data collection process adheres to relevant security standards and compliance requirements, protecting sensitive information and maintaining trust.


Product Walkthrough

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Demo video

Video Summary

FormAssembly Overview: An intuitive drag-and-drop solution for creating branded web forms quickly. Offers a free trial for new users. Starting a New Form: Users can create a form from scratch, use a template, import from Salesforce, or clone an existing form, with the tutorial focusing on creating a form from scratch. Building a Contact Form: The tutorial guides through making a simple contact form, starting with adding a title and then fields for basic information like names, email, and a message box. Field Customization and Validation: Explains how to add different types of fields, customize field labels, and set validation rules, particularly for the email address to ensure data quality. Finalizing and Viewing the Form: Demonstrates how to customize the submit button text, save the form, and preview the completed form, encouraging further exploration of FormAssembly's features and tutorials for advanced customization and Salesforce integration.



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Business Department
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