
About Us video

Video Summary

Ecwid is designed as an easy, fast, and powerful e-commerce platform for small businesses to start selling online. It allows selling products across various platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Google Shopping, and Amazon from a single platform. Users can build a website for free, manage their store from a mobile device, or integrate Ecwid into an existing website. Ecwid provides user-friendly marketing tools and supports connecting stores to social media for broader reach. The platform is free to use and aims to help turn hobbies or side hustles into profitable ventures.


Product Walkthrough

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Demo video

Video Summary

Dashboard Overview: The video introduces the Ecwid dashboard, highlighting three main menus: store management, sales channels, and configuration. Store management includes essential tools like sales, catalog, marketing, and reports. Setting Up Your Store: It explains how to embed your store on a website or social media platform, and emphasizes following a to-do list provided by Ecwid. Users without a website get a demo store to customize. Adding Products: Instructions are given on how to add products to the store either manually or by importing via CSV file, X cart, or light commerce. Details include naming the product, setting a SKU, weight, image, description, and price. Configuring Settings: The video guides on reviewing regional settings, updating store information, connecting social media accounts, and managing legal pages and analytics. It also covers setting up shipping options and configuring payment gateways like Square, Stripe, and PayPal. Customizing Store Design and Additional Features: Users can modify the store's design, choose themes, update the layout, and manage reports through a downloadable app. The video also highlights available support resources for further assistance.



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Business Department
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