Culture Amp
Videos and Profile

Get the employee engagement, performance and development tools and insights you need to build a category-defining culture.

Culture Amp

About Us video

Video Summary

- **Role of the Director of People:** The director emphasizes their responsibility in developing and growing company culture by obtaining and analyzing employee feedback. - **Challenge with Existing Tools:** The director identifies a challenge in finding effective solutions, citing simplistic tools that lack meaningful data and traditional enterprise tools that are difficult to use, requiring outsourcing of tasks. - **Culture Amp's Solution:** Culture Amp is presented as a solution that empowers the director to collect, understand, and act on employee feedback easily, enabling better decision-making and impactful changes. - **Versatility in Feedback:** The platform allows the collection of various types of feedback, including employee engagement, experience, initiative success tracking (e.g., diversity and inclusion), and employee effectiveness to facilitate informed decision-making. - **Customizable Templates and Access to Insights:** Culture Amp offers customizable templates, reducing the need for external hires. The director highlights the benefit of gaining access to insights and experiences from leading global companies, enhancing their expertise in people management.

Culture Amp

Product Walkthrough

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Culture Amp

Demo video

Video Summary

Culture Amp


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Culture Amp

Culture Amp


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Culture Amp

Video Summary

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Video Summary

Video Summary

Technology category
Business Department
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