
About Us video

Video Summary

1. **Atlan AI Copilot:** Revolutionize data team collaboration with the first-ever AI copilot. Document tables, explore data, and get answers effortlessly. Join the waitlist for Atlan AI. 2. **Unified Data Experience:** Atlan is the single source of truth for data teams, offering 360° visibility, column-level lineage, and active data governance for a seamless data discovery and cataloging experience. 3. **Platform Excellence:** Atlan's platform features active metadata, DIY setup, personalization, open APIs, and intelligent automation. It powers the next generation of data teams, from startups to enterprises. 4. **Industry Recognition:** Forrester and Gartner recognized Atlan, naming it a Leader in Enterprise Data Catalogs for DataOps in 2022. Atlan serves pioneering data teams like WeWork, Plaid, and Unilever. 5. **Manifesto for Success:** Atlan's commitment includes open-by-default philosophy, partnership-focused approach, user-friendly design, DIY setup, plug-and-play flexibility, and pay-as-you-go pricing for scalable success.


Product Walkthrough

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Demo video

Video Summary

- **Atlan Workspace Overview:** - Atlan provides a workspace for making all data assets searchable, including tables, columns, queries, and dashboards. - Features a universal search (command k) for quick access to data assets and automation to enhance user experience. - **Shareability and Collaboration:** - Emphasizes the importance of each data asset being shareable; users can copy links or use contextual chat to share assets directly with colleagues. - Draws inspiration from GitHub, providing data assets with profiles, readmes, owner tagging, and a data dictionary for comprehensive documentation. - **Data Query and Exploration:** - Enables users to query data directly within the platform, either by using predefined safe queries or by writing SQL themselves. - Integration with Tableau allows users to open queries directly in Tableau for further exploration and analysis. - **Data Lineage and Relationships:** - Atlan identifies and visualizes relationships within the data ecosystem, parsing SQL query history to construct lineage from source tables to downstream dashboards. - Offers insights into the data flow, helping users trace back data discrepancies or anomalies in metrics. - **Glossary and Automation:** - Incorporates glossary terms with individual readmes and linked assets, supporting use cases such as metric storage, business taxonomy, and project cataloging. - Introduces a bot ecosystem for automating repetitive tasks, including recommendations for linking glossary terms. Users can customize the platform using the business metadata section and integrate external data via API.



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