Zapier Pricing Options

Free Version Available. Paid versions starting from $19.99



For individuals starting out with automation.
- 1-to-1 automations
- Unlimited Zaps (Zap = automated workflow)
- Visual editor



For individuals who need to automatically move data between apps.
- Multi-step Zaps
- Zapier built-in tools
- Zap versioning
- Webhooks



For individuals building and managing custom workflows.
- Conditional Zaps (Paths)
- Advanced Zap settings
- Unlimited Premium apps



For teams turning business processes into automated workflows.
- Unlimited users
- Shared app connections
- Shared workspace
- Premier Support


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For companies scaling automation across teams.
- SAML single sign-on (SSO)
- Advanced admin permissions
- Custom data retention
- SAML Single Sign On (SSO)

Find the Perfect Solution for Your Business Needs!

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